
Haazen's journey led him from a failed Padawan to a Sith Acolyte during the Great Sith War and the era of the Mandalorian Wars. He was a student under Jedi Master Arca Jeth, and a close companion to both Barrison Draay, his closest friend, and Krynda Hulis, who would later become Barrison's wife. The family of Haazen had been in service to the Draay family for many generations, acting as their stewards and retainers.

Despite his failure to achieve the rank of Knighthood, Haazen remained with the Order as a mortician, tending to the dead on the battlefield during the Great Sith War. Ultimately, Haazen's path took a dark turn when he betrayed the Jedi and became involved in a Sith plot that resulted in the death of numerous Jedi, including the one he served. This betrayal came at a great personal cost, leaving Haazen severely wounded. Concealing his sinister intentions with a hidden agenda, Haazen assisted Krynda, who was now the mother of Barrison's son, in establishing a clandestine organization with the aim of preventing the resurgence of the Sith. He served her faithfully until he saw an opportunity to seize control of the Covenant and implement his own schemes. During this period, Haazen served as a mentor and confidant to Lucien Draay.

As Krynda's health deteriorated, Haazen concealed her condition and assumed the role of the Covenant's acting leader. He manipulated Lucien and his comrades, systematically eliminating all but his former student. However, just as he came close to taking control of the Jedi Order, Haazen was ultimately defeated by Lucien and his former Padawan, Zayne Carrick.


Early Life and Jedi Training

Haazen during his time as a Padawan on Arkania.

Arca Jeth oversaw Haazen's Jedi instruction on Arkania. His fellow learners were Barrison Draay, a long-time friend, and Krynda Hulis. Haazen's family was in the service of the Draay family, functioning as their stewards, which meant Haazen essentially came as Barrison's servant, even though they became close friends.

Haazen didn't evolve into a Force prodigy, unlike his peers; instead, he described his abilities as clumsy. His skills were so limited that he was easily defeated in hand-to-hand combat by the Nautolan smuggler Dossa while tracking her. Dossa mocked him with his stolen lightsaber before toppling an obelisk on him by shooting the base with her blaster. Barrison's intervention was the only thing that saved his life.

As the knighting ceremony for Arca Jeth's students neared, Barrison hosted a celebration with Haazen and Krynda as guests. Barrison and Krynda were knighted during the subsequent ceremony, but Haazen was not. His inadequate skills, lack of insight, and predictable nature rendered him unfit for knighthood. Furious, Haazen fled into the snowy outdoors.

Barrison followed to console him, but Haazen attacked him verbally. Barrison Draay was not only his friend, but also the object of his jealousy, as he possessed everything Haazen desired: wealth, honor, and a relationship with Krynda. Barrison responded by punching Haazen, but then forgave him and offered the failed Jedi another way to serve.

Descent into Darkness

Haazen during the Great Sith War.

During the Great Sith War, Haazen continued to serve Barrison, but as his assistant, not as a Jedi. He avoided direct combat, instead focusing on caring for the fallen on the battlefield. Krynda soon married Barrison and gave birth to a son named Lucien.

Following the Battle of Toprawa, Dossa, now a servant of Exar Kun, approached Haazen once more. Dossa mocked his servitude to Barrison before offering him a chance to return as a hero and obtain whatever he desired. When asked what that was, Haazen declared he wanted Barrison's life and everything it contained. Succumbing to his hatred and envy, Haazen embraced the dark side and joined the Sith.

Dossa instructed Haazen to lead the Jedi forces into the Ansharii Caverns, a trap intended for the Jedi. However, Dossa detonated the charges prematurely, before Haazen could escape. Although he survived the blast, he lost both legs, his right arm, and an eye. Dossa recovered his body, and he awoke in a Sith enclave to find his injuries mostly healed by Doctor Uburluh. Despite the healing, he was left horribly disfigured, with gruesome, non-human prosthetics replacing his missing limbs and eye. In addition to the prosthetics, a Sith artifact known as the Yoke of Seeming was implanted in his back. The Yoke caused the Living Force to flow around Haazen rather than through him, obscuring his thoughts and feelings from Jedi. Dossa suggested that implanting more Sith artifacts and equipment into Haazen's body could amplify his powers, potentially making him invincible. When Dossa stipulated that he must abandon the Jedi before they could help him, Haazen declared that he was neither Jedi nor Sith, but something more. He then murdered Dossa for all the humiliation he had endured at her hands.

Although he was no longer a member of the Jedi Order, he continued to serve Krynda as her retainer, similar to how he had served her late husband. She remained unaware of his feelings for her and his involvement in Barrison's death. Despite the Yoke of Seeming's ability to subtly influence others and make them accept his disfigured appearance, Haazen began wearing a concealing cloak.

The Covenant's Formation

Haazen after being "fixed up" by Uburluh.

At the Draay Estate, Krynda started building a cabal, a Covenant within the Jedi Order, dedicated to watching for the Sith's return. Though no longer a Jedi, she trained seers and placed them as Knights within the Order. Haazen, avoiding the Jedi Temple, acted as her connection to the Order and other contacts across the galaxy.

While Krynda trained a group of Jedi seers to form the prophesied First WatchCircle, Haazen began training her son, Lucien, who disliked the idea. As Lucien developed into a fighter, Haazen noted his father's skills. When the four seers (Feln, Q'Anilia, Raana Tey, and Xamar) were moved to the Jedi Tower on Taris, Haazen suggested to Krynda that Lucien serve as their Hand.

Haazen was present when Krynda foresaw the Prophecy of the Five, which spoke of five individuals who would witness the fall of the Jedi Order and the Republic. Raana overheard their conversation while discussing one of Q'Anilia's visions and later believed the prophecy referred to the First WatchCircle's Padawans. However, Haazen twisted the prophecy to suit his own purposes.

Implementing the Plan on Taris

Following the Padawan Massacre, riots erupted due to the escape of Lucien's Padawan, Zayne Carrick. With Taris lost, the Jedi High Council summoned the Masters to Coruscant to answer for their failures. During the meeting, Haazen blamed his former apprentice for nearly exposing the Covenant, diminishing its effectiveness, and for failing to bring the Padawans to him and Krynda for examination. He then ordered Lucien to capture Zayne Carrick alive. Lucien refused, arguing that Zayne posed too great a risk while alive. The decrepit Jedi became enraged and reiterated that he and Krynda alone—having survived the Great Sith War—knew how to handle such a threat, repeating his orders to Lucien.

The First WatchCircle's Division

After Vrook Lamar divided the Circle, Haazen continued to support their efforts. The Economic Study Circle predicted the decline of peace on Telerath and instructed the Draay Trust to sell its stocks before the collapse. As the Mandalorian Wars broke out in the galaxy and Admiral Saul Karath captured Zayne Carrick, Haazen shifted the Covenant's focus from capturing Zayne and stopping the Mandalorians to a more pressing matter. He acted on Miraluka visions of an evil, mindless, and faceless being rising and destroying everything. These visions included a meeting of enemies, one of whom was identified as Adascorp's leader and Lucien's old friend, Arkoh Adasca. Haazen was more suspicious, as their sources on Telerath indicated that Adascorp had ceased monitoring all visitors around the same time that the Moomo Brothers failed to surveil Arvan Carrick, Zayne's father.

Haazen sent a holographic transmission to Telerath for Lucien, detailing the situation. He also revealed that Adasca was attempting to contact the Revanchist. He ordered Lucien to investigate and discover the source of the dark power. Later, Haazen somehow secured Lucien a position on the Jedi Council so that the Covenant's agents could move freely. Following his appointment, Haazen summoned Lucien back to the Draay Estate to report on the Covenant Shadow Celeste Morne. However, Haazen somehow discovered that Zayne was still alive and Celeste was completely incapacitated.

When Zayne and an associate were captured on Odryn, Lucien contacted Master Feln, who was present on the planet. He incorrectly concluded that Zayne had been corrupted by the Talisman, murdered Celeste, and was planning to blackmail the Covenant using the Sith artifacts stored in the Sanctum of the Exalted to spread his poison. Lucien reiterated his order to kill Zayne and execute Option Ossus: the destruction of the Sanctum. However, Haazen, who had been monitoring the hologram channel, instructed Feln to disregard that order. Lucien argued with Haazen, but Feln made his own decision: he would kill Zayne regardless of their wishes. The skirmish resulted in the destruction of the Sanctum and Feln's death at the hands of his own people. Zayne Carrick, however, remained at large.

Unveiling the Deception

When Xamar captured Zayne and Marn Hierogryph and brought them to the Draay Estate, Haazen decided to personally examine the supposed Sith instead of Krynda, claiming she was meditating upstairs and could not be disturbed. He looked at Zayne and spoke of the Sith War's devastation, then seized the fake "Muur Talisman" from Zayne, revealing it to be a fake containing his lightsaber. He then turned to Gryph, whom Lucien believed was the true mastermind. Haazen told the Snivvian about his escape from the bombings of Serroco. As the Jedi Order, led by Xamar, stormed the Estate, a massive lightsaber battle erupted outside. Haazen then summoned all Covenant members, issuing command Vindication, claiming the Jedi High Council had been corrupted by the dark side.

Haazen reveals his true allegiance.

As the insurrection began, ships under Admiral Saul Karath's command, controlled by Haazen, fired on the skybridge, killing Xamar and many Knights. Haazen then shocked everyone by revealing a red lightsaber from his sleeve and displaying numerous Sith artifacts on his person. He, not Krynda, was the true leader of the Jedi Covenant, pitting Jedi Knights against each other—true Jedi of the Order against the misguided Jedi of the Covenant. He then revealed the Gauntlet of Kressh the Younger on his mechanical arm, which granted him the power to protect himself from unwanted contact. Lucien tried to strike him down but was stopped twice by the ancient Sith artifact and thrown into a wall. A team of Padawans also failed to kill him; Haazen simply killed some with Force lightning and the rest with his lightsaber.

Haazen revealed to Lucien and Zayne that Krynda's Prophecy of the Five, once thought to refer to the First WatchCircle, actually spoke of Q'Anilia, the one from the light standing in the blinding darkness; Gryph, the one from the darkness who stood in the light; Zayne, the one for the light; and Lucien, the one for the darkness. He himself was "the one who stood apart from them all," for he was both the dutiful retainer to the Jedi Covenant and, if he were to take a name like the Sith of old, Darth Hayze, for the clouds of deception he had created, wielding both sides of the Force, controlling both Jedi and Sith.

Haazen predicted to a shocked Lucien that he would one day train his Sith and perhaps take the name Darth Luzion or Darth Sion. The Jedi Guardian claimed he did not want such a thing, but still took a red lightsaber handed to him by Haazen, as he still obeyed orders.

While Q'Anilia ran off to find Krynda, Zayne attempted to follow, only to be stopped by Lucien, who refused to let him near his mother if the Rogue Moon Prophecy was correct. The two dueled, a test orchestrated by Haazen. From above a high staircase, Haazen said he would enjoy exploring more of Zayne's "odd relationship" with the Force and watched as Zayne unleashed a powerful Force push on Lucien. He then left to meet agents bringing relics from the Jedi Council. Gryph soon brought a revived Krynda down, who revealed she foresaw Lucien killing his students but suffered a stroke, preventing her from warning him. Haazen said it wasn't her time to die and placed her in a prototype oubliette, keeping her out of the way while he assumed control of the Covenant.


Orbital bombardment results in the death of Haazen.

After Covenant agents brought him the Sith artifacts from the Jedi Council, Haazen killed them, stating their task was complete. Analyzing the artifacts, he planned to redirect the Republic fleet's fire to the Jedi Temple, destroying the Jedi Council. He would then have Lucien claim Krynda had called an emergency Council to be headed at the Draay Estate, controlling everything through the Draay family. At that moment, Gryph was thrown from the Draay Estate, followed by a dueling Zayne and Lucien. Haazen watched as they fought. Eventually, a statue of Barrison fell on Lucien, and Zayne, to Gryph's surprise, seized the chance to kill him.

Haazen, impressed that Zayne had managed to kill Lucien, told him to kneel. Zayne said he would swear himself as Haazen's apprentice if he stopped the bombardment of Coruscant. Zayne suddenly grabbed Haazen's mechanical arm, claiming he was having a vision. Presuming Zayne had become a seer, Haazen asked what the vision said, and Zayne simply said he wasn't in it, slicing off his mechanical arm. An enraged Haazen blasted Zayne with Force lightning. Zayne then grabbed Gryph, and Lucien threw them into the sky.

Lucien revealed what had happened: he and Zayne had staged the entire duel to catch Haazen off guard and remove the Gauntlet of Kressh the Younger. Then, using the control mechanism built into the arm, Lucien redirected the Republic fleet's fire at the Draay Estate. Without the Gauntlet to protect him, Haazen perished in the resulting bombardment.

After Vindication, the Jedi Covenant was dissolved. The Republic and Jedi Order, embarrassed by Haazen's deception, covered up the incident as a Mandalorian terrorist attack. Lucien survived because he was holding the Gauntlet but was still badly injured. Lucien later realized that Haazen got what he wanted, as the pain he endured allowed him to see into the dark side and consider embracing his destiny as a Lord of Pain. However, Lucien rejected the dark side after remembering his father and journeyed to a private moon to build a new life with his True Covenant.

Character Traits and Persona

Before and during the Sith War, Haazen was erratic and predictable in his actions, both to allies and enemies. Master Arca Jeth noted that he was unfocused and careless, allowing his emotions to control him. These shortcomings led Haazen to develop significant jealousy and resentment towards Barrison Draay for excelling in his Jedi training and winning Krynda Hulis's affection, making his actions even more transparent.

It was only after the Great Sith War, and ironically, after embracing the dark side, that Haazen finally learned to control his emotions. He adopted a composed and collected demeanor that masked his malevolent, power-hungry, and ruthlessly manipulative nature. Using the Yoke of Seeming to his advantage, Haazen readily obscured his intentions by offsetting his Force presence to support his personality facade and enable him to strike without warning.

Relationships with Others

Krynda Draay

Haazen harbored feelings for Krynda Hulis and grew jealous when Barrison Draay won her heart and married her. However, this affection seemed to fade after he became a Sith. She greatly appreciated his help in forming the Covenant, which surprised him, as if he still cared for her.

As Krynda fell ill, Haazen did not hesitate to place her in stasis to prolong her life. However, he took advantage of her absence to control her son and the rest of the Covenant for his own purposes.

Skills and Talents

Haazen brandishing his new Sith lightsaber.

Haazen's Force abilities were, at best, weak and described as awkward. After his "reconstruction," his body was implanted with various pieces of Sith antiquity and equipment. These artifacts enhanced his Force abilities, compensating for his initial limitations. His quest for more Sith artifacts gave Haazen a working knowledge of Sith Magic, allowing him to tap into the hidden powers of each artifact he wielded, such as the Gauntlet of Kressh the Younger, which granted him the power to repel anyone who tried to touch him.

Another Sith artifact Haazen utilized was the Yoke of Seeming, which clouded the Jedi's perception of his intentions and true nature, allowing him to live among them as a Dark Jedi for many years without detection. In addition to Sith Sorcery, Haazen was capable of producing Force lightning strong enough to kill multiple Jedi with a single blast. His strength in the dark side of the Force allowed him to influence Jedi Master-level individuals like Lucien Draay into doing his bidding. Haazen also seemed to have a basic understanding of telekinesis, such as moving lightsabers to and from certain individuals, as he did with Lucien Draay and Zayne Carrick.

As a Jedi Padawan, Haazen used a single, blue-bladed lightsaber, which he wielded with little success, even being bested by non-Force-sensitive opponents like Dossa. During that fight, Dossa stole Haazen's lightsaber. This incident, along with other flaws in his character, prevented Haazen from becoming a Knight, and he was therefore no longer allowed to wield the prestigious weapon of the Jedi.

After his deformation in the trap he arranged, Haazen constructed a Sith lightsaber using synthetic crystals that gave his blade the characteristic "bloodshine" glow. This weapon appeared to be constructed from the same material as his prosthetic arm, mimicking the replacements' gruesome aesthetic. As Haazen returned to the Jedi Order, where he was not permitted to possess a lightsaber, he hid his weapon in the handle of a walking cane to feign weakness. This saber remained concealed until the events of Vindication, when a team of Jedi attempted to arrest him. His skill with the blade had apparently improved dramatically in the interim, as he struck the three Jedi down with ease. Haazen later passed this lightsaber to Lucien Draay, who used it in his duel with Zayne Carrick.

Behind the Scenes

John Jackson Miller, the author of the Knights of the Old Republic comics, jokingly stated that Haazen's last name was Daag, a reference to the ice cream brand Häagen-Dazs. Miller also jokingly claimed that Haazen was allergic to seafood.

It appears that "Haazen" is actually his last name, not his first, given his statement that "the Haazens have served the Draays for a long time."

