The Economic Study Circle, alternatively referred to as the Economic WatchCircle or simply the economic circle, functioned as a WatchCircle within the structure of the Jedi Covenant. Its primary function, like the others, was to offer advanced alerts pertaining to events unfolding across the galaxy. Specifically, the Economic WatchCircle was formed with the express purpose of delivering these early warnings upon detecting shifts in different economic facets of galactic existence.
Some years before the outbreak of the Mandalorian Wars, the Economic WatchCircle had anticipated that the Vanjervalis Systems corporation was in the process of developing a groundbreaking naval system. Once Haazen secured schematics that revealed this innovative system would enable the linking of Republic cruisers to a unified command structure, he informed Krynda Draay about the Economic WatchCircle's forecast. He proposed that the Draay Trust acquire Vanjervalis, ostensibly to boost financial resources for the Covenant's operations. However, his true intention was to secretly introduce an additional feature, bypassing the Admiralty, to establish a direct communication channel for his planned Vindication.
Acting on the Economic WatchCircle's counsel, Haazen directed the Draay Trust to divest itself of all assets on the banking planet of Telerath at an unspecified time before the Battle of Serroco. By the time Telerath emerged as a potential target for the Mandalorians, the Draay Trust had already completed the sale of its holdings there. Lucien Draay was seemingly unaware that Haazen was relying on the investment advice of Jedi Seers.
The fate of the Economic WatchCircle during and after Haazen's catastrophic Vindication remains unknown.