Vanjervalis Systems, often shortened to Vanjervalis, produced computer systems for the Galactic Republic throughout the Mandalorian Wars. Gorman Vandrayk was once an employee of Vanjervalis.
In the years leading up to the conflict, they conceived of the Vanjervalis Chain. This system enabled a number of Hammerhead-class cruisers to connect to a single Inexpugnable-class tactical command ship, which was a joint development by Rendili/Vanjervalis Drive Yards.
After the Jedi Covenant's leader, Haazen, discovered this naval arrangement via the Economic WatchCircle, he utilized funds from the Draay Trust to acquire the entirety of the company. Subsequently, leveraging the Covenant's power, he pushed the design through the Admiralty, secretly adding a dedicated communication channel directly to himself. This decision had devastating consequences during the Vindication incident. Haazen exposed himself as a follower of the dark side of the Force and manipulated the Republic Navy into attacking members of the Jedi Order.
Thousands of years afterward, around the time of the Galactic Civil War, the Vanjervalis ship-producing facilities had become part of the larger Corellian Engineering Corporation group.