Vanjervalis Chain

Above Coruscant, the Swiftsure is seen executing a Vanjervalis chain maneuver.

The Vanjervalis Chain represents a strategic military maneuver utilized by the Republic Navy, originating during the era of the Mandalorian Wars.


This strategy centered around an Inexpugnable-class tactical command ship, which was outfitted with a sophisticated sensor suite. This suite's development was a direct response to the Battle of Serroco's catastrophic outcome. Functioning through this sensor suite, a series of Hammerhead-class cruisers were networked to the Inexpugnable's command system, aligning themselves in an extended chain to establish a defensive perimeter. The sensor suite's advanced capabilities allowed for predicting adversary movements, enabling corresponding adjustments to the chain's configuration.


Despite some initial skepticism, Admiral Saul Karath readily employed this tactic in his attempt to apprehend the fugitive Padawan Zayne Carrick above Coruscant. The Swiftsure served as the flagship for this operation. The tactic proved effective, preventing Carrick and his vessel, the Moomo Williwaw, from penetrating the blockade. Consequently, they were compelled to infiltrate the Swiftsure and commandeer an alternative vessel, circumventing the blockade stealthily rather than attempting a direct breach.

However, Haazen managed to subvert the chain's control, redirecting the ships' fire towards the skybridge connecting the Draay Estate. The Draay Trust, under his influence, had acquired the controlling company, granting him unauthorized access to his cybernetic arm, unbeknownst to the admiralty. The Republic would eventually find a way to disable this access, providing Haazen with sufficient time to advance his plans. Ultimately, this manipulation led to his downfall when Zayne and Lucien Draay severed his cybernetic arm, prompting the orbital ships to target and eliminate Haazen.

