Saul Karath, a male Human born on the Core world of Corellia, served as an admiral within the Galactic Republic's Navy during the Mandalorian Wars. In the year 3963 BBY, Karath achieved the rank of Rear Admiral following his success in holding back the Mandalorian forces for a period of six weeks at the Jebble-Vanquo-Tarnith line. When Zayne Carrick, a fugitive Jedi Padawan on the run from his Masters after being falsely accused of the Padawan Massacre, attempted to alert Karath about the impending destruction of the planet Serroco, Karath believed Carrick to be a Mandalorian spy.
After the Mandalorians devastated Serroco, Karath and his allies apprehended Carrick. Subsequently, after boarding the Arkanian Legacy, the flagship of Adascorp leader Arkoh Adasca, they engaged in an auction where Karath sought to secure Republic control over Adasca's exogorth superweapons. Following the disruption of Adasca's plans, Karath also participated in the Covenant Affair, which culminated in the destruction of the Jedi Covenant—a clandestine Jedi organization dedicated to preventing the rise of the Sith—when Haazen, a Sith Acolyte and one of its leaders, instigated a rebellion against the Jedi Order.
In that same year, Revan and Malak, Jedi Knights, along with their Jedi faction, joined the war, and Karath became a subordinate to Revan and Malak. Karath later aided Carrick in destroying the Crucible, an organization involved in slavery. In 3960 BBY, following the Republic's victory against the Mandalorians in the war's final battle, led by Revan and Malak, Karath was among the few within the Republic forces who did not accompany the Jedi into the Unknown Regions in search of the ancient Rakatan Star Forge space station, a source of unlimited war matériel. One year later, Revan returned to the Republic as the new Dark Lord of the Sith, with Malak as his apprentice, thereby initiating the Jedi Civil War.
In 3958 BBY, Karath switched his allegiance to Darth Revan's Sith Empire, bringing his flagship, the _Leviathan_, into Revan's service. To assess Karath's loyalty, Malak instructed him to destroy the planet Telos IV. Karath killed millions of civilians on Telos, drawing the ire of Carth Onasi, his former friend and protégé, who had served alongside Karath during the Mandalorian Wars. After Malak's betrayal of Revan during an attempt by the Jedi and Republic to capture them, Karath continued to serve the Sith under Malak's command.
During the final year of the war, Malak captured Taris, the ecumenopolis, and ordered the Sith fleet to blockade the planet in order to locate Bastila Shan, a Jedi Knight. Karath was eventually ordered by the Dark Lord to destroy the planet to prevent Shan's escape, and Karath bombarded Taris. Shortly after the destruction of Taris, Calo Nord, a bounty hunter, informed Malak and Karath about Shan's escape from the planet, as well as Revan's survival and involvement in her escape. Malak and Karath hired Nord to capture Shan, but Revan, now a partially re-trained Jedi, killed Nord during his search for the Star Forge.
After Revan discovered a fourth Rakatan Star Map—required to locate the Star Forge—and slew Darth Bandon, Malak's Shadow Hand, Karath seized Revan's starship, the Ebon Hawk, and tortured Revan, Onasi, and Shan in an effort to uncover their mission. The two Jedi and Onasi eventually broke free and confronted Karath on the bridge of the Leviathan. Karath offered to request mercy from Malak if they surrendered; however, Shan, Revan, and Onasi refused. Karath and his forces attacked them, and after a fierce firefight, Karath sustained critical injuries. As he lay dying, Karath revealed to Onasi the truth about Revan's identity as the former Dark Lord of the Sith, before succumbing to his wounds inflicted by Onasi and the Jedi.

Born on the Core World of Corellia, Saul Karath was a male Human whose birth was to Craddock Karath, a journeyman laborer. As the oldest of five children, Karath was compelled to take on a fatherly role for his siblings due to his father's frequent absences, supporting them by working double shifts at a weapons manufacturing plant.
During the Great Sith War in 3996 BBY, when the shipyards at the world of Foerost were attacked by Sith Lord Ulic Qel-Droma and Mandalorians led by Mandalore the Indomitable, Karath's father died in the assault after Dace Golliard, a Republic officer, abandoned the Republic forces and fled the battle. Karath resigned from his factory job and volunteered to serve in the navy of the Galactic Republic, which was fighting against Exar Kun, Qel-Droma's Sith Master. Karath was too young to officially join the navy and, due to his difficult upbringing, lacked the connections needed to enter the Naval Academy. However, he caught the attention of Fleet Captain Orley Vanicus, who allowed Karath to serve as a non-commissioned captain's steward on his ship, the Reliance I.
Despite every success he achieved, setbacks followed. Nonetheless, the young man never lost his faith in the navy, viewing it as his family. Eventually, Karath was promoted to the rank of captain and given his first command aboard the frigate Reciprocity. During this time, Karath successfully defended convoys from pirates. At some point before the Mandalorian Wars, Karath and his first officer Dallan Morvis assisted a Twi'lek Jedi in capturing the bounty hunter Valius Ying. In one engagement, Karath recognized the skills of Republic pilot Carth Onasi. When Karath was promoted to the Inexpugnable-class tactical command ship Courageous, he invited Onasi to serve with him aboard the warship, giving the pilot the nickname "Fleet."

In 3964 BBY, as the Mandalorian Wars began—a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders, who, under Mandalore the Ultimate's leadership, launched an invasion of the Republic—Karath assisted in organizing the defense of Taris, the Outer Rim ecumenopolis, and its surrounding systems against the Mandalorian armada. From his flagship, the Courageous, Karath successfully halted the Mandalorians' advance in the Suurja system through four large-scale battles, maintaining the integrity of the Jebble-Vanquo-Tarnith line, which served as a boundary between the Republic and Neo-Crusader forces.
Shortly after, Karath was dispatched to defend Vanquo, a mining world, from the invading Mandalorian fleet. As he had anticipated, the attack on Vanquo was merely a component of Mandalore's broader strategy to invade the Republic. While Karath's forces were preoccupied at Vanquo, the Mandalorians assaulted the remaining Republic fleet at Taris. Karath viewed this development favorably, believing that the Republic Senate would allocate additional troops to the conflict due to the threat to a world as significant as Taris.
During the Battle of Vanquo, Lieutenant Dallan Morvis informed Karath of a junk freighter fleeing the battle. This ship, named The Last Resort, was assisting Zayne Carrick, the fugitive Jedi Padawan who was evading his Jedi Masters after being falsely accused of the Padawan Massacre. As The Last Resort entered hyperspace into Mandalorian territory, and Morvis identified Carrick's ship, Karath immediately suspected Carrick of being a Mandalorian spy. Karath vowed to personally deal with Carrick, provided he survived the battle.

Karath was promoted to Rear Admiral in 3963 BBY. Following his transfer to the planet Serroco, Karath inspected the local Republic camp on Serroco's surface. Zayne Carrick—working under the alias Shad Camper at Little Bivoli, a supply carrier and restaurant—accidentally spilled food on Karath, who ignored him. Karath eventually returned to the Courageous, followed by Carrick, who had experienced a vision of the Mandalorians destroying Serroco through the Force and convinced Carth Onasi to arrange a meeting with Karath. Upon Carrick and Onasi's arrival on the Courageous's bridge, Karath congratulated the lieutenant and accused Carrick of being a Mandalorian spy. Karath interrogated Carrick, who denied knowing Mandalore or being a spy, and requested that Karath allow Onasi to contact Alek, the Jedi Knight known to Carrick as "Squint."
Karath instructed Onasi to contact the Jedi Council from the command center to locate "Squint." At that moment, Mandalorian ships emerged from hyperspace and launched nuclear missiles at the Republic fleet. Karath attempted to counter the attack, but the missiles continued toward Serroco's surface instead of the fleet. The missiles obliterated the planet's Stereb cities and caused significant damage to its Human settlements. As Carrick mourned the planet's destruction on the Courageous's bridge, Karath decided to reassess their strategies against the Mandalorians. Karath promised to hand Carrick over to the Jedi and had him imprisoned in a cell.
When Mandalorian shock troopers boarded the Courageous, Karath was forced to abandon ship with Lieutenant Onasi and Commander Morvis, reluctantly agreeing to take Carrick with them as they escaped to Onasi's ship, the Deadweight. After escaping the Courageous, which was destroyed by the Mandalorians, Karath filed a report with the Admiral of the Fleet, expressing concerns about the disposition of his forces, who were being pursued on the hyperlanes from Serroco to Telerath, the banking world. Karath also hoped to reach Myrkr, the forested planet, or the Ryyk Nebula, to rendezvous with the Tremendous fleet.

Shortly after escaping the destruction of the Courageous, Karath was informed by Morvis that he had established communications with the Republic Navy's command station on Arkania, the diamond-rich planet. While the Deadweight was en route to Arkania, Karath received a transmission from Eejee Vamm, a servant of Adascorp, the medical corporation led by Lord Arkoh Adasca, requesting Karath's presence at a meeting aboard Adasca's flagship, the Arkanian Legacy. After learning about exogorth creatures—large gastropods capable of surviving in the vacuum of space—that Adasca's scientists had modified into superweapons, Karath ordered Onasi to redirect the ship to the Legacy.
Upon disembarking from the Deadweight, Karath was greeted by Adasca, who inquired if Karath could negotiate on behalf of the Republic. Meanwhile, Karath had Carrick moved to the ship's detention area. Later, in the observation dome, Karath listened as Adasca explained how the exogorths could be used as weapons capable of destroying entire star systems. After Adasca finished, Karath asked what he wanted from the Republic. When the Mandalorians, led by Mandalore the Ultimate, arrived at the meeting, Adasca declared that his corporation was now a galactic player seeking allies, not contracts.

After Mandalore boarded the Legacy, Karath defended Alek, the Jedi Knight representing the Revanchist Jedi faction that believed the Jedi Order should actively oppose the Mandalorians. Karath drew his blaster and threatened Mandalore after the Jedi was disabled by Mandalore's newly-made battle axe during an attempted attack. Later, Alek implored Karath to arrest Adasca, but Karath refused, citing their outnumbered position. After Adasca began testing the exogorths, Karath granted Onasi permission to return to the Deadweight after Onasi expressed disgust at what he witnessed. Soon, Karath argued that the Jedi and Republic were essentially the same after Mandalore expressed his desire to keep the exogorths out of either organization's control, and questioned why Mandalore didn't simply seize the exogorths by force. When Mandalore offered to make Adasca weaponsmith of all the Mandalorian clans, Karath grew desperate and asked Adasca if he wanted his own territory.

Meanwhile, Zayne Carrick and his former Jedi Master Lucien Draay—who was aboard the Legacy to investigate Adasca—joined forces with Onasi and Rohlan Dyre, a rogue Mandalorian, to thwart Adasca's scheme. Carrick, wearing armor that Mandalore had given Dyre, and Onasi created a diversion by leading the Mandalorians to believe that Adasca, the Republic officers, and Jedi at the meeting had set a trap for them. The diversion succeeded, and Karath—along with Carrick, Draay, Alek, Onasi, Dyre, Morvis, and Carrick's companion Jarael—participated in the ensuing battle. Karath was injured during the skirmish and escorted back to the Deadweight by Morvis. Karath, Onasi, and Morvis successfully escaped the Legacy's observation dome as the exogorths devoured it, killing Adasca.
After Karath, Morvis, and Onasi reached Coruscant, the galactic capital, Karath submitted his resignation to the Admiral of the Fleet due to the losses of Battle Group Serroco and the Courageous. However, the Admiral of the Fleet refused to accept Karath's resignation and met with Karath, Onasi, and Morvis. Subsequently, the Admiral of the Fleet publicly commended Karath. While the Admiralty did not assign him a posting, Karath appreciated the public's support and expressed his desire for those in his position to have the opportunity to see their families. Karath also confirmed Arkoh Adasca's death, although he declined to publicly discuss the events that had transpired.

Following the clash on the Arkanian Legacy, Karath assumed command of the capital ship Swiftsure (Inexpugnable-class). Jedi Master Lucien Draay, a recent addition to the Council and member of the Jedi Covenant—an organization focused on preventing the Sith's return—assigned Karath to Coruscant's planetary defense. Draay manipulated the Admiral, making him believe Zayne Carrick, acting for the Mandalorians, would attack Coruscant aboard the Moomo Williwaw. Draay ordered Karath to eliminate Carrick. The Khil Jedi Master Xamar was assigned to work with Karath. The Admiral later assured Xamar that no one would reach Coruscant without going through their defenses. At that point, Karath initiated the Vanjervalis Chain, a sensor system that predicted enemy movements, adjusted strategies, and linked multiple Republic cruisers under a unified command.
As the Moomo Williwaw neared Coruscant, Karath suggested Xamar join the other Republic fighters' in the ongoing space battle, guaranteeing the Khil that his forces would not mistakenly target the Jedi. After Xamar departed the Swiftsure's bridge, the Moomo Williwaw crashed into the ship's docking bay. Karath and his forces opened the bay doors. When Carrick's companion Jarael exited the ship, Karath detained the Arkanian offshoot and ordered a search for Carrick and his Snivvian companion Marn Hierogryph. Unable to locate them, Karath sought Xamar's assistance, only to discover the Jedi was missing. Xamar had stowed away on Onasi's ship, Deadweight, with Carrick and Hierogryph, escaping to Coruscant's surface.

Eventually, Sith Acolyte Haazen seized control of the Vanjervalis Chain's tactical system. While serving the Covenant, Haazen had used the Draay Trust to acquire Vanjervalis Systems, granting him direct control over the chain through hacking. Consequently, the Republic fleet under Karath began bombarding the Draay Estate during Haazen's insurrection against the Jedi Order. Morvis, now captain of the command ship Veltraa, informed Karath that the system had been sliced. Karath, upon learning that an incoming signal had bypassed their fail-safes, preventing them from jamming the signal or moving out of range, ordered all non-essential personnel to evacuate the Swiftsure. After Lucien Draay and Carrick defeated Haazen, the Swiftsure regained control of the Vanjervalis Chain. Days later, Karath publicly blamed the Mandalorians for the bombardment, promising retaliation. The Republic and Jedi agreed to conceal the true events of the Covenant Affair, clearing Carrick and his companions of all charges. Karath also ensured his protégé, Morvis, received command of the Reciprocity.

Soon after the Covenant Affair, Jedi Knights Revan and Malak (formerly Alek), along with their Revanchist Jedi faction, officially joined the Mandalorian Wars under the banner of the Republic Mercy Corps, sanctioned by the Jedi Council. Karath and his forces served under Malak, and under his command, they retook Omonoth from the Mandalorians long enough to salvage the Arkanian Legacy's remains. The Defense Ministry then received an anonymous tip about a large Mandalorian raiding force heading for the Ithorian system. Karath led a Republic force, including the Swiftsure, the Veltraa, and the Hammerhead-class cruiser Testament, to the system, waiting for the Mandalorians to emerge from hyperspace near an asteroid field. When the Mandalorians, led by Cassus Fett, arrived, the Republic forces prepared for battle. However, the Mandalorian ships bypassed the fleet and jumped back into hyperspace.

As Karath expressed his surprise, Zayne Carrick hailed the Swiftsure, informing the Admiral of pirates led by Dace Golliard—the former Republic officer responsible for Karath's father's death—in the asteroid field near the Swiftsure's starboard side. Karath immediately located Golliard's ship, the Gladiator, and ordered the Swiftsure's crew to cripple it with lasers and bring it aboard using a tractor beam. After Golliard was captured, Karath had him imprisoned. Carrick then asked Karath for assistance in reaching Osadia. Initially refusing, Karath relented after Carrick threatened to expose the truth about the Adasca Affair, ordering Telettoh, captain of the Testament, to transport Carrick and Hierogryph to their destination.
During the Mandalorian Wars, Jedi Knight Revan eventually gained complete control of the Republic fleet. In 3960 BBY, Revan forced a final confrontation with the Mandalorians at Malachor V, defeating Mandalore the Ultimate and securing victory for the Republic. After the battle, Karath did not join the Republic forces who followed Revan and Malak into the Unknown Regions to pursue the remaining Mandalorians. During their time away, Revan and Malak succumbed to the dark side of the Force and became Sith Lords.

After discovering the Rakatan Star Forge space station—capable of producing endless ships, droids, and war supplies—Revan declared himself the new Dark Lord of the Sith, with Malak as his Sith apprentice, establishing their own Sith Empire. One year after their disappearance, Revan and Malak returned and initiated the Jedi Civil War against the Jedi Order and the Republic. In 3958 BBY, facing the Republic Navy's devastation, Karath defected to Revan's Sith Empire, hoping to preserve his position and forces. He unsuccessfully attempted to persuade his protégé and friend Carth Onasi to join him against the Republic. Karath's first act of treachery was providing the Sith with codes to bypass a Republic Navy docking bay's scanners, allowing the Sith to destroy over half the docked ships before they could react.

As a result of his switch to the Sith, Karath brought the Interdictor-class cruiser Leviathan (Leviathan_(interdictor-class_cruiser)) and other ships with him. Many Republic officers, unwilling to fight their former Admiral, followed Karath and joined the Sith. Revan then promoted Karath to commander of the entire Sith fleet. Soon after, Karath led the fleet to Onasi's homeworld, Telos IV. When the planet refused to surrender, Malak ordered Karath to destroy Telos to test his loyalty. Karath complied, bombing the planet and killing millions, earning Onasi's eternal hatred. Throughout the war, Karath intimidated strategically important military worlds by threatening to bombard their cities. Karath served under Revan until Malak's betrayal and apparent murder of Revan during the Jedi and Republic's attempt to capture them, after which he continued serving the Sith Empire under Malak's command.

In 3956 BBY, the Sith fleet attacked the Endar Spire, Jedi Knight Bastila Shan's flagship, above Taris. Malak pursued Shan because of her power with Battle meditation, a Force power that strengthened Republic forces and weakened their enemies. Shan escaped to Taris in an escape pod. After Malak's forces captured Taris, Karath commanded the blockade while the Sith searched for Shan. Malak eventually ordered Karath to destroy Taris to prevent Shan's escape. Karath hesitated, reluctant to murder billions, including the Sith troopers still on the surface. However, Malak reminded Karath of his predecessor's fate, and Karath initiated the bombardment.
Shortly after Taris' destruction, Karath introduced Malak to Calo Nord, a bounty hunter who had survived the bombardment, aboard the Leviathan. Nord informed Malak that Shan had escaped Taris, unaware that Revan, Malak's former Master, had aided her escape. Malak hired Nord to capture Shan alive. However, Revan—now a retrained Jedi Padawan searching for the Star Forge—killed Nord on Tatooine. Karath informed Malak of Nord's failure, asking for forgiveness. Malak spared Karath, blaming Nord for the failure. When Karath suggested hiring another bounty hunter, Malak decided no hunter could defeat a Jedi. To avoid repeating the mistake, Malak sent his Shadow Hand, Darth Bandon, to capture Shan and kill Revan. Sometime after this, Malak attacked the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine. While the attack killed many Jedi and destroyed the Enclave, the local Jedi Council escaped. Meanwhile, Revan slew Bandon after finding a fourth Rakatan Star Map on Manaan, necessary to locate the Star Forge.

As Revan and the crew of the Ebon Hawk traveled to Korriban for a fifth Star Map, the Leviathan captured them. Karath imprisoned Revan, Shan, and Onasi in force cages and began interrogating them. Malak focused on Shan and Revan, and when the latter swore he would not betray the Jedi, Karath realized Revan was unaware of his past. Suspecting he would fail, Karath nevertheless began torturing the Jedi and Onasi while Malak was elsewhere. Knowing Revan cared for Shan, Karath made her suffer for Revan's silence. Karath tested Revan by asking about the Jedi Enclave, but Revan remained silent. Karath revealed the question was a test, as Malak had already destroyed the Enclave.
After Karath left them, Revan, Shan, and Onasi escaped and fought their way to the bridge, confronting Karath, who was guarded by two Dark Jedi and Sith troopers. Karath offered mercy from Darth Malak if they surrendered. Onasi refused, and Revan, Shan, and Onasi slew the troopers and Dark Jedi bodyguards. Mortally wounded, Karath asked Onasi to come closer. He whispered the truth about Revan's past as the Dark Lord of the Sith, urging him to remember his words. Karath then died from his wounds.
After Karath's death, Sith Admiral Varko succeeded him as commander of the Sith fleet. Malak planned to conquer the Core worlds. However, Revan and his companions located the Star Forge, and the Republic fleet engaged the Sith forces above Rakata Prime as Revan boarded the station. Revan redeemed Bastila Shan, who had become Malak's apprentice, and killed Malak in a duel. With Malak's death, the Sith forces were routed after the Republic destroyed the Star Forge.
At the end of the Dark Wars five years later, Darth Traya predicted that Telos, being restored by Ithorians under Chodo Habat, would forget Karath's devastation. Karath was later mentioned in the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances' Historical Council's timeline, published in 36 ABY.

Saul Karath became a paternal figure to his younger siblings because his father, Craddock Karath, was often absent. To support his family, Karath worked at a weapons factory. His father's death at the Battle of Foerost during the Great Sith War motivated Karath to join the Republic Navy. Karath was known for his quick, sometimes reckless, decisions.
Karath never revealed that his father's death led him to join the Republic Navy. Because a former Jedi and the Mandalorians were involved, Karath distrusted both groups. When Zayne Carrick tried to warn him about Serroco's destruction, Karath wrongly assumed he was a Mandalorian spy, remaining suspicious even after evidence suggested otherwise. During the Mandalorian Wars, other Jedi received similar treatment from Karath.
He valued firepower and trained many Republic soldiers and officers, including Carth Onasi. Onasi and Karath shared similar backgrounds and tendencies for quick decisions. The Admiral took an interest in Onasi because of their similar career paths. Karath typically avoided military defenses that could endanger civilians, as seen on Serroco before its destruction. When he captured Dace Golliard with Zayne Carrick's help, Karath was pleased to see justice served to the man he blamed for his father's death.

A year after Revan and Malak returned as Sith and attacked the Republic, Karath, facing the Republic Navy's devastation, defected to Revan's service to save his troops and command. As the first high-ranking officer to join the Sith, other Republic officers followed, unwilling to fight against someone who knew their tactics.
After Malak betrayed Revan, Karath thought his command would be easier. However, serving Malak proved challenging, but Karath refused to relinquish his position as the highest-ranking officer in Malak's navy. Preserving his forces was his priority. When Malak ordered Taris' destruction to kill Bastila Shan, Karath tried to intervene for the innocent people and Sith troops on the surface. However, Malak threatened him, and Karath obeyed. When Karath tortured Revan, Shan, and Onasi, he justified the bombing of Telos IV to Onasi, stating that war necessitates innocent deaths.
Before the Jedi Civil War, Karath had blond hair, which turned gray before the war's end. He also had blue eyes.
After starting his military career, Karath performed every duty on a flagship, becoming a skilled pilot and tactician in both the Republic Navy and the Sith armada. Despite his noble status, Karath's bureaucratic skills were lacking, causing career setbacks. However, Karath was known for his resilience and considered the Navy his family.
Besides Basic, Karath spoke and understood various languages, including Durese, Khilese, Sullustese, Mando'a, Bothese, Zabraki and Kuat.
Karath owned a Verpine prototype energy shield for extra protection. As a Sith, Karath used a Sith assassin blaster pistol. He also carried a code cylinder and an encrypted comlink. Karath wore a Republic officer's uniform while serving them and a Sith officer's uniform after joining the Sith Empire.
Saul Karath was created as a villain for the 2003 BioWare video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, voiced by Robin Sachs. There are inconsistencies regarding the date of Karath's destruction of Telos IV. In Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Carth Onasi states Karath destroyed Telos IV "four years ago." The game takes place in 3,956 BBY, and The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia (December 2008) also states the destruction occurred in that year. However, The New Essential Chronology (2005) and Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide (August 2008) claim Karath destroyed Telos in 3,958 BBY.

The line credited to Karath in his section of the Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide was initially a deleted piece of dialogue from the twenty-first edition of the Knights of the Old Republic comic book series, which Dark Horse Comics published on October 24, 2007. John Jackson Miller, the writer of the series, opted to incorporate the quote when crafting Karath's profile. Miller drew inspiration from historical military leaders he had researched when developing Karath's character. Miller mentioned that even though Karath's subordinates may not have always agreed with his perspectives, his resolve and strength of will were sufficient to propel him to higher ranks, setting an example for new recruits and characters like Dallan Morvis. Miller created a contrast in their early lives; Karath experienced hardship, while Morvis benefited from a privileged upbringing.