During the Mandalorian Wars, Telettoh, a male Human, held the rank of captain within the Galactic Republic's Navy. Following the Jedi Council's decision to permit Jedi Knight Revan and his adherents to participate in the Republic's struggle against the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders, he was designated as the official naval contact for the Revanchist faction of Jedi in 3963 BBY. On the planet Wor Tandell, Telettoh encountered the former Jedi Padawan Zayne Carrick and his associates, and subsequently assisted Republic Admiral Saul Karath in apprehending the Republic fugitive Dace Golliard. Ultimately, he achieved the rank of admiral within the Navy.

Living in the time following the Great Sith War, Telettoh, a male Human, enlisted in the Navy of the Galactic Republic. Eventually, he rose to the position of captain of the Testament, a Hammerhead-class cruiser. In 3963 BBY, he became the official liaison to the Revanchists, which was the faction of Jedi under Jedi Knight Revan's command, organized as a Republic Mercy Corps. Telettoh served under the command of General Malak, a Jedi Knight. With Malak and the Cathar Jedi Ferroh, Telettoh journeyed to Wor Tandell with the intention of Malak recruiting his acquaintance Jarael into the Revanchists.
Upon arriving in the capital city of Gantra Lea, Ferroh introduced Telettoh to Zayne Carrick, a former Jedi Padawan and associate of Jarael. Following a discussion between the Cathar and the former Jedi regarding the Revanchists' role in the war, Telettoh, Ferroh, and Carrick traveled via swoops to Carrick's camp near his ship, the Hot Prospect. Approaching the camp, they observed Malak engaged in combat with Demagol, a Mandalorian scientist secretly posing as the Mandalorian commander Rohlan Dyre. Telettoh, familiar with Dyre's prominence due to his recent victory in the Tandem Open sporting event, assisted Ferroh in restraining Malak. The Republic captain rebuked Malak for attacking "Dyre," arguing that the Revanchists could not afford any controversies. After Malak's conversation with Carrick and Jarael, where Jarael declined the Jedi's offer, Telettoh, Malak, and Ferroh departed the planet aboard the Testament.
Eventually, the Republic Defense Ministry received an anonymous warning about a large Mandalorian raiding party heading to the Ottega system. Telettoh and his ship, the Testament, were dispatched to the system as part of a Republic fleet commanded by Republic Admiral Saul Karath. The Republic ships waited for Cassus Fett's Mandalorian fleet to emerge from hyperspace beyond the system's asteroid field. As the Mandalorians exited hyperspace, the Republic forces prepared to engage; however, the Mandalorian ships bypassed the fleet and re-entered hyperspace. Zayne Carrick, who was in the system to request a favor from Karath, informed Saul Karath that pirates led by Republic fugitive Dace Golliard—who planned to capture and enslave any survivors—were positioned near the starboard flank of Karath's command ship Swiftsure. After helping to capture Golliard, Karath instructed Telettoh to transport Carrick and his companions to their desired destination.

During their journey to Osadia, Telettoh discussed the actual details of the Revanchist Jedi's involvement in the Mandalorian Wars with Carrick, Marn Hierogryph, and the real Rohlan Dyre—who, after Carrick and Hierogryph discovered Demagol's impersonation, escaped Republic custody with their assistance. He explained that the Jedi Council had not approved the Revanchist's involvement with the Republic, even after Revan presented evidence of the Mandalorians' devastation of Cathar. The captain told Carrick and his companions that Revan formed the Republic Mercy Corps to get the Council's approval for the Revanchist's participation in the war. Before arriving at Osadia, Telettoh then showed Dyre, whom he knew as "Spikes," around the Testament.
Telettoh eventually attained the rank of admiral within the Republic Navy. Centuries later, in 1032 BBY, Telettoh's Maxim, an old Republic rule that forbade transporting Sith Lords on Republic ships, was quoted by Jarrow Rusher, a mercenary, when he scolded Jedi Knight Kerra Holt for bringing the Sith Quillan aboard his ship.
Telettoh swiftly intervened in the altercation between Malak and Rohlan Dyre, even scolding the Jedi for attacking the Mandalorian, fearing that news of the incident would tarnish the Revanchists' reputation. He made sure to explain the true circumstances of the Revanchist's involvement in the Republic's war effort to Carrick and his companions, and he thought Revan was clever to form the Republic Mercy Corps. He had fair skin and blond hair, wore a Republic officer's uniform, and had a pair of spectacles.
John Jackson Miller conceived Telettoh for the standalone comic Masks, the forty-second issue of the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic comic book series. Ron Chan illustrated the comic, which Dark Horse Comics released on June 17, 2009. The character's name came from Pete Hottelet, who donated $14,000 at the Penny Arcade charity dinner for Seattle Childrens' Hospitals. Miller initially thought about creating an anagram of the character's name, but he ultimately decided to spell Hottelet's last name backward.