Telettoh's Maxim

Telettoh's Maxim, a principle widely embraced by starship personnel within the Galactic Republic after the Jedi Civil War, proscribed the transportation of Sith Lords on starships because of their reputation for causing destruction. This principle originated with Republic Navy Admiral Telettoh, who, without realizing it, had transported the future Sith Lord Darth Malak on his [Testament], a Hammerhead-class cruiser. Malak was then part of the Revanchists, a Jedi group pushing for a firm approach against the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders. Telettoh dedicated the remainder of his life to rectifying the problems resulting from his choice. Many years afterward, the mercenary commander Jarrow Rusher invoked Telettoh's Maxim to challenge the Jedi Knight Kerra Holt's choice to take the captured Sith Lord Quillan onto his vessel, the _Diligence_. After they escaped the Sith planet Byllura, Rusher charged Kerra with jeopardizing his crew by bringing a follower of the dark side onto the ship. Nevertheless, Quillan presented no hazard to the crew or passengers because of his impaired mental capacity and early development.

