Diligence (New Sith Wars)

The troopship Diligence, a modified vessel, provided service to the mercenary unit known as Rusher's Brigade.


Schematics of the Diligence.

Originally, the ship was the Devaronian space cruise liner called Vichary Telk. The Brigade reconfigured it to transport 3,000 soldiers along with their artillery weapons.

Two enormous retro-rockets were affixed to the Diligence, one on each side of its hull. At the core of a grouping of four sizable cargo modules was each of these engines. These modules, carrying their contents, could detach for battlefield landings, while the gunners left separately. Large cannons, too large to be contained within the pods, were secured externally and could function as improvised "battering rams".

The ship featured a command deck at the front and an upper deck intended for artillery observers, a space that previously served as a sightseeing area during its time as a civilian vessel.


Ryland Dackett was the commander of this vessel. Its designation was a tribute to the Inexpugnable-class tactical command ship named Diligence.

