Rusher's Brigade
Under the command of Jarrow Rusher, Rusher's Brigade was a group of mercenaries that operated during the Republic Dark Age from their vessel, the Diligence. The brigade was composed of eight battalions, and each battalion held the name of an ancient weapon. In 1032 BBY, the Sith Lord Daiman hired them to participate in an ambush planned against his brother, Odion. Of the brigade's three thousand soldiers who fought in the conflict, only five hundred and sixty survived, with the rest declared either dead or missing.
- Jarrow Rusher , commanding officer
- Ryland Dackett , master of the ship Diligence
- Prenda Novallo , engineer
- Tun-Badon , leader of the Serraknife Battalion
- Ishel , navigator
- Beadle Lubboon
- Morrex , communications specialist
- Wenna'lah , spotter
- Zeller
- Zussh