Odion, alongside his younger brother and primary adversary Daiman, was a male Human Sith Lord who governed a region of the Grumani sector that became known as the Odionate during the era of the Republic Dark Age. As the eldest offspring of Xelian, a formidable female Sith Lord who presided over a spatial domain within the Grumani sector, Odion's early life was marked by unpleasant encounters with his mother and younger sibling. These experiences intensified his connection to the dark side and propelled him toward a philosophy of nihilism, embracing death and oblivion as the ultimate form of peace. Rising through the Sith hierarchy, Odion achieved the rank of commander, spearheading the invasion of Aquilaris Minor in 1042 BBY. Following the disintegration of the Chagras Hegemony in 1040 BBY, the Grumani sector was plunged into internal strife as rival Sith Lords engaged in a struggle for supremacy. Subsequently, Odion amassed a following of like-minded individuals and established his own principality, known as the Odionate, which was one of the numerous Sith states that emerged from the remnants of the Chagras Hegemony.
Odion's nihilistic goals stirred up hostility from his estranged younger brother, Daiman, who considered himself the Universe's Creator, and the Jedi Order, which had been embroiled in a prolonged conflict against Sith forces for nearly a thousand years since the Fourth Great Schism in 2000 BBY. Furthermore, Odion was perpetually engaged in a struggle for galactic control against Daiman and other competing Sith Lords. At some juncture, he uncovered the existence of the Helm of Ieldis, an ancient Sith artifact capable of inducing homicidal mania in sentient beings. To locate this artifact, Odion initiated a project known as Project Pandemonium, but the task force vanished in 1039 BBY. His actions also drew the attention of Jedi Knight Kerra Holt, who sought retribution for the devastation inflicted upon her homeworld at his hands. In 1032 BBY, Odion barely survived an ambush on the planet Chelloa, sustaining severe injuries. However, his life was salvaged through medical technology, and he vowed to pursue and eliminate Kerra, who had wounded him during the climax of the Chelloan affair.
In an attempt to strike back at his younger brother, Odion dispatched Bothan spy Narsk Ka'hane on a covert operation to Daiman's capital city of Darkknell. Narsk's mission was to gather intelligence regarding Daiman's starship, the Convergence, which was under construction at the Black Fang testing facility, and subsequently destroy the installation. However, Jedi Knight Kerra intercepted Narsk, overpowering him and destroying both the datapad containing the data and the facility itself. Daiman retaliated by releasing the Bothan spy while providing him with deceptive intelligence about a business arrangement on Gazzari with the Quermian Sith Lord Ayanos Bactra concerning the sale of an arxeum, a mobile war university. In reality, Daiman's scheme was to once again lure Odion into a trap on Gazzari, where his forces lay hidden behind the planet's volcanic ash clouds.
As anticipated, Odion fell for the deception and launched an invasion of Gazzari, resulting in heavy losses on both sides. Amidst the battle, their grandmother and family leader Vilia Calimondra contacted Narsk, instructing the two brothers to cease their conflict and unite against Bactra, who had outlived his usefulness to the dynasty. Following the annihilation of Bactra's fleet, the two Sith brothers, along with Lioko and Malakite, conquered and divided the Bactranate among themselves. Despite this brief period of cooperation, tensions between the brothers quickly resurfaced during a family bequest where Odion was granted the former Odionate capital of Jutrand, while his younger brother received the Industrial Heuristics company. Although Vilia managed to placate Odion by offering him two legions of her Trandoshan slave warriors as compensation, Odion and Daiman remained bitter adversaries, constantly seeking to undermine each other.
An opportunity to act against his younger brother arose when an outsider—the Hutt crimelord Zodoh—posed a threat to the Grumani sector. During the Aquilaris campaign, Odion and other Sith Lords collaborated with Zodoh's irredentist campaign against the Daimanate, keeping Daiman's forces engaged on the border regions. Ultimately, Zodoh failed to achieve any significant strategic gains and was subsequently executed by Daiman after a failed attempt to conquer Darkknell. In retaliation for Odion's role in indirectly supporting Zodoh's campaign, Daiman conspired with Kerra to defeat Odion once and for all. Kerra infiltrated the Odionate disguised as a prospective Novitiate adept named "Mercy." Simultaneously, Odion, determined to break the stalemate in the Grumani sector, revived Project Pandemonium. Kerra, a long-time enemy of Odion, was part of a group of hunters tasked with recovering the Helm.
Through Kerra's efforts, Odion successfully located the Helm on Skarpos, a desolate desert world recently seized from the Menagerie, a domain ruled by the Sith Lord Malakite. At the height of his power, Odion intended to harness the Helm's capabilities to drive other sentient beings into a state of homicidal madness. Following a successful test demonstration on Skarpos, Odion planned to deploy the Helm across the entire Grumani sector, and eventually the galaxy, by tapping into the energies of the child captives held within his planet-sized cloister on Vanahame as part of his scheme to eradicate all life, positioning himself as the sole sentient being in the galaxy. However, Odion's ambition for galactic genocide was thwarted by his Jedi adversary Kerra, who had successfully turned his second-in-command, General Beld Yulan, against him. During the ensuing climatic showdown, Odion met his demise when the Helm overloaded due to a surge of positive emotions triggered by the liberation of the captive children. With his death, the Odionate descended into anarchy as his Sith "family" carved up territories for themselves.

Odion was the elder son of the Sith Xelian and the grandson of Vilia Calimondra, a powerful Sith Lord and the matriarch of a large clan composed of Sith Lords. His strained relationship with his younger brother Daiman originated from his childhood experiences, during which his mother, Xelian, openly favored his younger brother while viewing Odion as unattractive and repulsive. This sibling rivalry was further exacerbated by his grandmother, Vilia, who promised her empire to the heir who conquered the most territory. Vilia's actions resulted in a series of internecine conflicts known as the First and Second Charge Matricas. From the moment of Daiman's birth, Odion had been plagued by painful headaches, which only intensified his hatred for Daiman. As Odion's Force powers grew, he developed a heightened sensitivity to the mere presence of other beings, which he perceived as a debilitating and tormenting experience.
Odion's inability to find relief from his ailments led him to seek solace in a nihilistic belief system centered around causing the deaths of other sentient beings. He came to believe that he could alleviate his suffering through murder, reasoning that each act extinguished the bright lights that tormented his mind. As Odion's dark side powers grew, he also derived pleasure from learning how to manipulate others into embracing destruction by channeling the misery around them. Over time, Odion gathered a cult of like-minded followers known as the Novitiates, who sought nothing more than destruction and death.
In 1042 BBY, Odion fought under the banner of the Sith Lord Chagras, his uncle and the ruler of the Chagras Hegemony. Odion led a contingent of Sith Warriors and minions to the world of Aquilaris, where they took the lives of hundreds of civilians. During the assault, his forces also captured Aron and Mercia Holt, the parents of the future Jedi Knight Kerra Holt. Through Mercia, Odion learned of the existence of the Helm of Ieldis, an ancient Sith artifact created by the Sith Lord Ieldis, who had lived before the Great Hyperspace War. The Helm was a dark side object that could drive sentient beings into a homicidal frenzy. Odion launched a task force called Project Pandemonium to locate and retrieve this artifact. However, the expedition ended with the disappearance of the Holt couple near the planet Sarrassia around 1039 BBY.
Following the death of Chagras in 1040 BBY, Odion seized control of a portion of the late Sith Lord's domain, which became known as the Odionate. Odion's domain was organized according to his nihilistic beliefs, with sentient beings forced into slavery within his armies and factories churning out war materiel. Odion also implemented a policy of capturing and imprisoning all the children within his realm within cloisters, where they would be brainwashed into becoming pliable workers and warriors. Because his nihilistic politics rapidly depleted the ranks of his armies, Odion had to rely on Force-sensitive recruiters known as Claimers to enlist more followers. His domain was also engaged in internecine civil warfare over territory and resources against several other rival Sith Lords, including his estranged brother Daiman, his cousin Malakite, and Ayanos Bactra.

In 1032 BBY, Odion learned about baradium mining operations on Chelloa in the war-torn Grumani sector by intercepting interstellar communications. Chelloa was part of the domain known as the Daimanate, which was ruled by his delusional brother Daiman. He permitted a Jedi task force under Jedi Master Vannar Treece to attack Daiman's baradium operation on Chelloa. Caught off guard, Daiman's overseers initially mistook it for an ambush by his brother.
After Daiman's Sith troopers were eliminated by the Jedi, Odion launched an attack with a large fleet, including his mobile space factory, the Spike. His intention was to destroy the planet's entire baradium deposits, regardless of the planet-wide devastation it would cause. Odion engaged in a duel with Vannar Treece, a Jedi Master he was familiar with, and killed him. However, Odion's plan was thwarted by Jedi Knight Kerra Holt, Treece's former apprentice, who caused Odion's kinetic corruptor to explode before it could ignite all the baradium on the planet, thus limiting the destruction to a smaller scale. Afterward, Odion and his surviving forces retreated back to the main fleet orbiting Chelloa.
Following a duel with Kerra, Daiman revealed that Odion's fleet included the mobile space factory The Spike, which was constructing even more kinetic corruptors. Earlier, Kerra and Gorlan Palladane had learned that Daiman was importing more mobile munitions complexes. Daiman sought to lure Odion to Chelloa's surface by provoking him with a feigned attack and sending Holt to leak intelligence about his new factories. Odion would land with his army on Chelloa's surface to capture the mobile munitions complexes, where they would be trapped and destroyed by Daiman's own kinetic corruptors.
To provoke Odion, Daiman dispatched a small strike force of Daimanate starfighters in an attempt to disable the Spike. However, his light starfighters were wiped out by Odion's warships, which included his flagship, the Sword of Ieldis. Sustaining heavy losses, the Daimanites were forced to retreat. While Odion gloated over an easy victory, Holt ejected from her starfighter into space and infiltrated The Spike by entering through an open hatch. She then overpowered and reprogrammed a labor droid known as GAD-3 and reset its motivation center. Gad-3 also revealed that The Spike was dedicated solely to the production of kinetic corruptors and that all floors were decentralized from the main structure for security reasons.
At that moment, they were interrupted by the arrival of Odion and his Givin second-in-command Jelcho to Pod 17. However, he did not sense them initially because they were hidden under the catwalk. Odion was preoccupied with using his corruptors to extract Chelloa's baradium deposits. When Odion inquired about Daiman's movements, Jelcho informed him of Gorlan Palladane, who was acting as a spy for Odion, and supplied intelligence about the existence of Daiman's baradium operations. From a recorded transmission, Palladane claimed that all of Daiman's mining operations were permanently offline in an attempt to divert Sith attention away from Chelloa. However, Odion dismissed the informant's latest reports as an attempt by Daiman or other parties to undermine his planned baradium operations.
Odion concluded the meeting by ordering all his kinetic corruptors to be prepared for landing on Chelloa to harvest all the baradium. Due to the volatile nature of baradium, much of Chelloa would be destroyed and rendered uninhabitable. While gloating about his recent victory over the Jedi, particularly Master Treece, Odion suddenly sensed the presence of an intruder through the Force. In a fit of rage, he ripped apart the catwalk and discovered Holt.

Ignoring Jelchro's concerns that he would damage the space station's infrastructure, Odion pursued Holt in a heated lightsaber duel. Kerra was also pursued by a mob of armed Gamorrean guards, followers of Odion who craved dying in combat. The fighting led the combatants through a series of catwalks to the upper levels of the Spike, the main structure supporting the various assembly lines. In a verbal confrontation, Kerra told Odion that she had attacked him aboard his space station to drive him away from Chelloa, thus saving the lives of thousands of sentients. She also revealed that Daiman's mobile munitions factories were bringing in thousands more slaves by the day.
Odion dismissed Holt's concerns for innocent lives, arguing that all sentients existed only to be killed by him. Due to his nihilistic philosophy, Odion saw himself as the destroyer of all life in the galaxy and embraced death. As he prepared to strike Holt down with his lightsaber, she played her final card by ordering the reprogrammed Gad-3 to open all containment fields, thus exposing much of the space station to zero-gravity space. This triggered an explosion that wrecked large areas of The Spike, destroying many labor droids and killing many workers. Further destruction was averted only by Jelcho reactivating the emergency shielding. As with all Givin, Jelcho had a tough exoskeleton that could seal all external orifices for protection against depressurization, allowing him to survive in hard vacuum.
In the midst of the chaos, Holt hijacked a construction shuttle, incapacitating the pilot and fleeing into space. Meanwhile, Odion ordered his entourage back to his flagship Sword of Ieldis. Understanding his Jedi opponent, Odion knew that Holt would return to confront him, which proved to be true. In an ensuing cat-and-mouse race in space, Holt's shuttle engaged Odion's gunship. Anticipating that Holt was going to ram her shuttle into his ship, he ordered his crew to open fire. However, the duel was interrupted by an incoming transmission from Lord Daiman. In a live broadcast from his Chelloan headquarters, a furious Daiman revealed to Odion that he had seized and tortured his informant, Gorlan Palladane. In response to the intelligence leakage, Daiman had ordered a military crackdown on all mining settlements on Chelloa, with his troops destroying Jenith.
Witnessing the plight of her friend, Holt aborted her run by doing a quick jump into hyperspace and returned to Jenith to save Palladane. The Sword's gunners attempted to shoot Kerra's shuttle, but it was too late. A dejected Jelcho lamented his failure to destroy the Jedi woman and apologized to Odion, claiming that he and his fellow Givin did not deserve to live and that they would be willing to accept death as punishment. To Jelcho's relief, Odion chose to spare his crew due to the intelligence on Daiman's mining operations he had discovered from Holt. Rather than using his kinetic corruptors to destroy the surface of Chelloa, he ordered his elite Lightning Guard to be loaded into landing ships to capture Daiman's factories near the baradium mines. He also planned to conquer Chelloa and annex it to his interstellar principality—the Odionate. All this played into Daiman's hands.

Odion's Lightning Guard were transported to Chelloa's surface by landing ships. The assault force consisted of Guardsmen donning jetpacks and several hover tanks. As they approached the perimeter of the ten mobile munitions complexes, they were engaged by a token force of Daimanate Sith troopers. With the airborne Lightning Guardsmen providing strike power, the Daimanate forces were easily overwhelmed. Odion himself sensed that he was fighting inferior forces. They arrived at the pyramidal factories only to discover that they were empty shells containing kinetic corruptors. As Daiman had intended, Odion had taken the bait by landing his troops on Chelloa's surface, where they would be destroyed along with himself by the kinetic corruptors. The Daimanate detachment assigned to guard the "factories" were merely cannon fodder used to lure Odion's forces into a trap. While Odion was trapped, Daiman and the bulk of his forces escaped the planet.
Meanwhile, Jedi Knights Kerra and Palladane successfully evacuated 60,000 Chelloan civilians by hijacking several Daimanate starships at Arboth's spaceport. This hastily assembled fleet became the Freedom Fleet, which would evacuate the population to Republic space. In the ensuing explosion, many of the Odionate and Daimanate combatants were killed by the molten lava released from the inflamed volatile baradium shales under Chelloa's surface. Trapped, Odion ordered his surviving troops to board the cargo transports at Arboth in an attempt to escape destruction. However, they were prevented from boarding by the efforts of Kerra and Palladane, who managed to evacuate the fleet before the lava reached the spaceport.
Odion was the sole survivor of his invasion because his jetpack allowed him to escape into the atmosphere. As the Freedom Fleet ascended into the upper atmosphere of Chelloa, Odion pursued his Jedi foe Kerra, who had boarded an airspeeder. Their pursuit ended on the hull of a cargo liner, which resulted in a verbal altercation. Odion taunted her by telling Kerra she had run out of perches and observed that she was trying to distract him from his goal of killing the refugees. In an attempt to provoke Kerra, he further gloated over the deaths and destruction he had wrought on her homeworld of Aqualaris. He would have continued his rampage had he not been forced by other circumstances to leave.
Before he could attack Kerra, he was attacked by Gorlan Palladane. Fastened to a safety cord, the male Jedi drove Odion to the engine thrusters, expressing his desire for retribution for the destruction wreaked on his planet. Palladane intended to kill Odion while dying in the process. During the confrontation, the two men were badly burned by the thrusters, and Palladane later died from his wounds. Meanwhile, a mortally wounded Odion was recovered by his followers, who tended to him at the Spike over the following days. He was badly burned, and part of his armor had been painfully fused to his skin. Had it not been for his jetpack, Odion would have perished in the upper atmosphere. The crew tended to him by removing as much armor as they could and treating his burns. Odion commented that he wanted to feel the pain to fuel his hatred toward Kerra Holt. Despite his severe wounds and the loss of his entire Lightning Guard, Jelcho viewed the recent engagement as a victory because it denied his master's foe Daiman access to ships, slaves, and the baradium deposits of Chelloa.

Later in that same year, Odion contracted Narsk Ka'hane, an independent Bothan operative, for a mission that involved infiltrating Darkknell, the capital of the Daimanate. The goal was to gather intelligence on Daiman's starship, the Convergence, which was being built at the Daimanate Dynamic Testing Facility, and ultimately, to sabotage the vessel. Equipped with a Cyricept Personal Concealment System, Mark VI stealth suit, Narsk successfully entered the facility and downloaded the Convergence's schematics onto a datapad. After planting several baradium thermal charges on the ship, Narsk attempted to leave the facility undetected. However, he was stopped by the Jedi Kerra, who sought to acquire the Mark VI for her own purposes against Daiman. Following a pursuit through the streets of Xakrea, the city, Holt subdued Narsk and remotely detonated the charges, resulting in the destruction of the testing facility. Holt then took Narsk's Mark VI and detonator, leaving the Bothan in a garbage container, where he was apprehended by the Correctors, Daiman's police.
Suspecting Odion's involvement in the facility's destruction, Daiman devised a plan to ambush his brother. He transported Narsk to the Sanctum Celestial, his fortress, where he contacted Ayanos Bactra, a neutral Quermian Sith Lord who preferred to accumulate power through corporate means rather than military force. Daiman had recently permitted Industrial Heuristics, one of Bactra's corporations, to recruit students from Darkknell and other locations within his territory, known as the Daimanate, in exchange for the benefits of their research. Daiman requested an arxeum, a mobile university dedicated to the art of war, along with recruits that Industrial Heuristics had gathered from the Daimanate. In return, Daiman granted Bactra safe passage through the Daimanate to attack Vellas Pavo, a planet rich in gadolinium. Bactra agreed to deliver the arxeum and the students to Gazzari, a volcanic world on the edge of Daiman's border with the Odionate, Odion's territory.
Daiman intended to draw Odion to Gazzari, so he allowed Narsk to overhear his conversation with Bactra and secretly ordered the loosening of the spy's restraints, allowing Narsk to escape and inform Odion of what he had heard. With the assistance of Holt, who infiltrated the Sanctum using Narsk's Mark VI, the Bothan escaped into the junkyard and found his way to a spaceport where he secured passage offworld to a neutral location. There, he encountered several Odionites and obtained a ride back to the Odionate. Meanwhile, Daiman enlisted the services of several mercenaries to carry out the ambush, including Brigadier Jarrow Rusher, Mak Medagazy, Kr'saang the Togorian, and an unidentified Nosaurian mercenary. Upon their arrival on Gazzari, they set up a series of Kelligdyd laser cannons on the eastern ridge of a large bowl-shaped crater spanning several kilometers. Daiman's forces, concealed from orbit by the thick volcanic ash clouds, lined the ridge on all sides, surrounding the crater where the trap for Odion was to be sprung. Unbeknownst to Daiman and the others, their long-time Jedi adversary Kerra had secretly boarded his flagship, the Era Daimanos.

As planned, Narsk made his way back to the Odionate and informed his master of Daiman's arrangement with Bactra. Although Odion was furious about the loss of the information on the Convergence that was stored on the datapad, the Sith Lord spared the Bothan's life because he had succeeded in completing part of the mission by destroying the Black Fang facility. Narsk had also informed his master about Jedi Knight Kerra's presence, which piqued Odion's interest because he wanted revenge against the Jedi woman for seriously injuring him during the Chelloan incident. In exchange for his services, Odion allowed Narsk to participate in the preparations for the assault on Gazzari aboard the Sith Lord's flagship, the Sword of Ieldis. Despite Narsk's concerns that Daiman was planning a trap, Odion dismissed it as simply a typical tactic of his younger brother. Due to his nihilistic beliefs, Odion was also willing to recklessly sacrifice his men's lives to hasten the end of time.
Upon arriving in the Gazzari system, Odion instructed Jelcho, his Givin navigator, to locate Daiman's forces. Although they found no sign of Daiman's fleet in the system, they did observe about a dozen of Bactra's ships near Gazzari's sun, where they could monitor the events on the planet from a safe distance. Bactra had already arrived on the planet with the arxeum, which landed in the crater along with four transports carrying hundreds of students, impoverished young people who had been recruited from the Daimanate. Although Odion was aware that Bactra had just delivered the arxeum, he ordered his fleet not to engage the Quermian's forces because he intended to attack his estranged younger brother Daiman, whom he considered his primary rival. He also intended to hunt down his long-time Jedi adversary, Kerra, whom he viewed as a dangerous threat to his nihilistic ambitions. After spotting Bactra's fleet, Odion contacted the Quermian, and Bactra informed him that the deal with Daiman had been completed and that the Bactranites were no longer concerned with the fate of the arxeum. Bactra's fleet then remained in the Gazzari system, observing the battle between the Daimanites and the Odionites.
For this engagement, Odion deployed a quarter of his own home fleet, including elements of his elite Thunder Guards. During the initial stages of the battle, Odion's home fleet formed an orbital perimeter around the planet and awaited the arrival of his most important weapon, a massive siege tower called the Death Spiral. Once the Death Spiral emerged from hyperspace behind Odion's fleet, the Sith Lord ordered his Thunder Guard units to their transports. Narsk was present on the bridge of the Sword of Ieldis, where Odion had outlined his battle plan. Before the ground assault, Odion ordered both Narsk and Jelcho to accompany him on his personal transport. However, unbeknownst to Odion, Daiman's forces had already landed on Gazzari and positioned themselves on the ridges of a large crater on Gazzari, where they were concealed beneath the metallic ash.
During the ensuing Battle of Gazzari, Odion's forces, including the Death Spiral, landed inside the crater. In the subsequent fighting, Odion's forces engaged Daiman and his mercenaries, destroying all four transports and significantly damaging the arxeum. The mercenaries bombarded the Death Spiral with cannon fire, but were unable to destroy the tower, which deployed several speeder bikes, airspeeders, and walkers from its base. Unable to withstand the Death Spiral's firepower, Daiman's mercenaries were forced to retreat, and the Death Spiral inflicted heavy casualties on Daiman's mercenaries. In the midst of the fighting, Odion's Jedi adversary Kerra reappeared. She fought off several enemy troops before evacuating the student refugees aboard the transports destined for the axeum, saving the lives of approximately a thousand youths.
During the middle of the battle, Narsk received a signal from his true master, Vilia Calimondra. The Sith Lord wanted her two grandsons, Odion and Daiman, to end their sibling rivalry and unite against Bactra, who had outlived his usefulness to the Calimondra family. However, he waited to deliver the message, as both Odion and Daiman were on the battlefield, approaching each other and preparing for a duel. With both Sith Lords engrossed in the battle, the Bothan found it unlikely that either of them would receive his message. By then, the tide of the battle had begun to turn in Daiman's favor, as a fleet of Daimanate warships had emerged from hyperspace, trapping Odion's fleet within the Gazzari system. In a similar development, Kerra succeeded in destroying Odion's Death Spiral. After incapacitating Odion's lieutenant Jelcho—who had entered the battle on a speeder bike, the Jedi woman used a bandolier to secure Jelcho to the bike before jamming its accelerator and sending it into the Death Spiral's speeder bays. This created an explosion that destroyed the siege tower, allowing Narsk to deliver Vilia's message via comlink to Daiman and Odion because it had eliminated the physical barrier that had blocked the signals.

As planned, both Odion and Daiman received Vilia's message, which was then transmitted to their ground forces and orbiting fleets, quickly ending their hostilities. They immediately joined forces and turned on Bactra's fleet, destroying half of his warships in under a minute with their combined firepower. The remnants of Bactra's fleet jumped into hyperspace and fled to Jutrand, the capital of the Bactranate. However, the Daimanite and Odionite forces pursued them, and within a few days, Bactra's empire had fallen to Daiman, Odion, and the Sith Lords Lioko and Malakite.
Following the collapse of the Bactranate, Odion and Daiman were later present at a hologram conference where Vilia divided Bactra's former assets among her grandchildren. During the bequest, Daiman inherited Bactra's corporate assets, including Industrial Heuristics and its affiliated enterprises. While Daiman was pleased with his acquisition, Odion objected, claiming that he had a stake in the company because it was headquartered in Jutrand, which had fallen to the Odionate. In an attempt to appease Odion, Vilia allowed him to keep Jutrand but ordered that he give the company's executive staff enough time to relocate to Daimanate territory. However, an enraged Odion retorted that he would kill the staff rather than allow them to leave.
In response, his grandmother reminded him and the rest of her family that despite their differing philosophies, they had to preserve corporations because they were essential economic assets in the war effort against the Galactic Republic. When Odion dismissed corporations as a tool of the Republic, his cousin, Sith Lord Arkadia Calimondra, responded that the Republic was controlled by corporations. As quid pro quo, Vilia proposed a deal where she would compensate Odion's loss by sending two legions of Trandoshan slave warriors from her own forces to augment Odion's forces. They would arrive in the Odionate within three days, just as the Industrial Heuristics staff departed for the Daimanate. Odion reluctantly complied, and the meeting turned its attention to other issues, such as Arkadia's recent annexation of the Dyarchy and the welfare of the adolescent Sith Lord Quillan. While tensions between the two siblings were momentarily soothed, they would re-emerge later in the year as both twins sought to undermine each other.
His Jedi opponent, Kerra Holt, was also present via hologram during the Bequest. Following the Battle of Byllura, Kerra and Brigadier Jarrow Rusher had been invited to Syned, the icy Arkadiante capital, by its titular ruler, Arkadia, the eldest daughter of the late Lord Chagras. In an attempt to recruit the young Jedi woman into her services as an assassin, she allowed Kerra to attend this secret meeting of the Grumani sector's Sith lords. She learned that Odion, Daiman, Quillan, Dromika, and Arkadia were all related and part of a powerful Sith dynasty, the Calimondra family, led by Vilia. During the ten-minute meeting, Kerra was surprised to see that the so-called "destroyer of the universe" could be brought down by his grandmother. This merely solidified her commitment to defeating the Sith warlords of the region.

Odion is seen in a hologram conference during Zodoh the Hutt's invasion of the Grumani sector, where he and Arkadia expressed their anger against the Hutt for intruding into Sith territory. He was still receiving burns treatment, and the left side of his face was still covered in burns. Zodoh was unmoved by their outrage, belittling his bipedal rivals as petty criminals who were always fighting with each other. Zodoh offered to deal with them by supplying them with slaves and munitions in exchange for their cooperation. Finally, the Hutt Lord warned the Sith to keep an eye on future developments on Aquilaris before cutting the transmission.
However, by the Battle of Darkknell, Odion's burns had healed, with no visible scars left on his face. He was present via hologram when his brother Daiman was besieged by Zodoh's fleet of Stormdrivers, large capital ships capable of creating global artificial floods and storms. Daiman criticized Odion for keeping his forces occupied in prolonged border engagements, which forced him to divert forces from Darkknell, allowing Zodoh to attack his capital with relative ease. Before the transmission was interrupted by a floodwave from the ruptured Southern Reservoir, Odion gloated over the impending deaths of billions, which resonated with his nihilistic philosophy. However, Zodoh was ultimately defeated through the efforts of Odion's main enemy, Kerra Holt, and Grace Command Captain Jenn Devaad, who succeeded in destroying Zodoh's flagship Voracious, which effectively disrupted the Stormdrivers. Daiman's forces were able to regain control of the battle and routed the Hutt invaders. Zodoh himself was captured and personally executed by Daiman. Odion was also present during the execution via hologram transmission, along with Arkadia and Lord Malakite.

Following the Battle of Darkknell, Odion reappeared on Jubalene, his temporary capital, where he explained his intentions to restart Project Pandemonium to locate the Helm of Ieldis, a powerful Sith artifact. With this, Odion would be able to greatly enhance his powers. These emanations in the Force led Daiman to experience apocalyptic visions, which he used to coerce the Jedi Knight Kerra Holt into a deal whereby he assisted her in infiltrating Odion's Novitiates, an elite unit within the Odionate. Under the alias "Mercy," Kerra was able to establish contact with the Claimer Wayman and successfully infiltrate Jubalene, where she learned more about Odion's plans.
Meanwhile, Odion made plans to assemble a team of Novitiates to locate the Helm of Ieldis. The Claimer Wayman volunteered "Mercy" and her team for this project and had them recalled from the invasion of Skarpos, a world in Lord Malakite's realm known as the Menagerie. At Jubalene, Odion and his Novitiates, including "Mercy," were present with Odion during a combat duel pitting three Duros bankers against a rancor. The Duros had been tricked into embracing Odion's nihilistic teachings and believed that they could embrace death by confronting a fully grown rancor. With Odion urging them "to end the pain," the three bankers entered a berserker rage and attacked the rancor with their spears. Ultimately, their efforts proved futile, and they were devoured by the beast in the presence of a satisfied Odion, who commented that even Lord Bactra's bankers could be used for his own purposes when properly motivated.
Odion also added that he savored the deaths of individuals who had willingly embraced death, as it strengthened his connection with the dark side. He also expressed his annoyance at life energies that glowed through the light side of the Force. While other Sith could tolerate it, he tried to block it and saw death as a relief. Odion explained that he could channel despair into a lust for destruction. Using an example, the Sith Lord attributed the Duros' berserker rage to the anguish and despair emanating from the millions of workers in Jubalene's military forge. Wayman expressed interest in Odion's "rediscovery" and asked if anyone could wield it. Odion replied that only those with the same type of "affliction" he was experiencing could tap into this destructive energy.
Odion then briefed his acolytes about his plans to reopen Project Pandemonium. The trail last ended at Sarrassia, and the project was suspended because the planet was part of the Bactranate, a rival Sith domain. With the annexation of the Bactranate, Odion revealed his intentions to invade Sarrassia and reclaim the relic. Wayman's team, including Kerra, was assigned the task of continuing the research where the trail ended, starting with the material available in his data center at Jubalene. At that point, Odion sensed a familiar presence in the room but could not discern who it was. However, Kerra escaped further notice with the arrival of his trusted protege, General Beld Yulan, who had returned from Vanahame rearmed and replenished for the invasion of Sarrassia. While Odion and Yulan departed to watch several of Bactra's former attorneys fighting a gundark at the arena, Wayman confided to Mercy about his discomfort that Odion favored Yulan and had thus kept him alive. He also expressed that he sensed a great emptiness in the Force emanating through Odion's spirit. Wayman subsequently departed for the arena, leaving Kerra alone with the computer. She used that brief moment of solitude to access information that confirmed her parents, Aron Holt and Mercia Holt, had been taken captive by Odion and conscripted into Project Pandemonium.

Without Kerra, Yulan, or the other Novitiates knowing, Odion had been aware of Kerra's real identity from the moment she arrived in his territory. Nevertheless, he permitted her to stay, understanding that she would guide him to the Helm of Ieldis. Consequently, Odion tasked his recruitment operative, Wayman, with monitoring her movements. After the Sarrassia Invasion, Odion stopped receiving updates from his Novitiate team, who were still searching for the Helm of Ieldis. Upon learning from Wayman that they had traveled to Skarpos, he chose to go to the battlefront himself. His shuttle landed atop the Morbollon Mesa, where his forces had established a garrison below. Upon his arrival, Odion's troops found themselves embroiled in a three-sided conflict involving his cousin Malakite, who aimed to reclaim the planet from Odion, and his estranged younger brother Daiman, who sought the Helm for his own purposes. Daiman also had an informant within the Novitiate ranks—a Kubaz named Glenk.
After landing, Odion equipped a jetpack and descended into the network of tunnels and caves beneath the mesa. He proceeded to the Grumani temple chamber, where he successfully retrieved the Helm of Ieldis. It was there that he encountered Kerra, who had inflicted a serious wound upon him during the Chelloan campaign. After incapacitating her with a burst of Force lightning, Odion revealed that he had already secured the Helm of Ieldis. He also declared that Kerra would be the first to witness its power demonstrated on his adversaries in the battle below the mesa.
Odion had Kerra taken prisoner, her wrists secured in restraints. They then ascended to the mesa's summit, where they were joined by Yulan, Doyan, and the other Novitiates. While Odion's sages recited a prophecy confirming Odion's destiny to wear the Helm, Yulan and his men explored the collapsed temple chamber below. Despite his triumph, Odion expressed dissatisfaction, noting that the Helm did not fit his head properly, and he was unsure how to activate it. When Kerra attempted to provoke him by suggesting he try fitting a trash compactor on his head, the Novitiate leader Doyan offered to execute Kerra as atonement for failing to detect a Jedi infiltrator among them. Odion responded that even the deaths of the entire Novitiate squad would not have mattered, as he had always known Kerra was infiltrating the Odionate. He allowed her plans to proceed because he believed she and her family were destined to lead him to the Helm.
Odion also disclosed to Kerra that he had discovered her parents' research on the Helm after raiding the University of Sanbra. While the researchers had dispersed, Odion managed to track down several of them, including her parents, on Aquilaris Minor. Odion's informants also learned that several Jedi, including Vannar Treece, were planning to meet with the researchers. Thus, the invasion of her home planet was actually a cover operation to capture the researchers for Project Pandemonium. Shortly thereafter, Yulan and his search party returned to report their findings. During their excavation of the chamber, they discovered the crushed remains of Kerra's parents, along with a necklace and a holorecorder. Upon recognizing the necklace as belonging to her parents, Kerra was overcome with grief and anguish, which triggered the Helm's activation.
Odion then channeled her grief into Dark Side energy using the Helm of Ieldis. At that moment, two of Malakite's Mutate warriors, riding dragon mounts, stumbled upon Odion and his entourage, intending to kill him and claim his hide as a trophy for their Master. Instead of engaging them in combat, Odion used the Helm to force the two enemy warriors and their mounts to turn on each other and kill themselves. Addressing Kerra, his captive audience, Odion remarked that the Helm of Ieldis had forcibly brainwashed them into accepting his nihilistic philosophy: that the only way to end their pain was through bloodshed and death. Odion then instructed Yulan to begin evacuating his best companions aboard their shuttle, as he was about to deploy the Helm against the three massed armies below the mesa.
The Helm of Ieldis had an immediate impact on the three massed armies, plunging all combatants into a homicidal rage. By compelling his opponents to kill each other, thereby embracing death and nothingness, Odion hoped to become the sole ruler of the Universe. Within moments, the combatants descended into a murderous frenzy, indiscriminately killing even their own allies. Daiman himself narrowly survived an assassination attempt by his Kubaz double agent Glenk, who had previously infiltrated Odion's Novitiates to monitor Kerra and had revealed details about the Helm of Ieldis and Project Pandemonium to his Master, who also harbored ambitions of galactic dominance. However, Daiman managed to fend off Glenk and struck him with Force lightning, causing him to fall to his death below the Morbollon Mesa. With their armies in complete disarray, Odion's rivals Daiman and Malakite were compelled to flee the battle while they could still resist the Helm's power.
Under the Helm's influence, the three armies annihilated each other. However, the Second Battle of Skarpos would prove to be a pyrrhic victory for Odion. While he succeeded in testing the Helm of Ieldis on the armies of his rivals Daiman and Malakite with devastating consequences, the Helm also destroyed his entire army, with the exception of General Yulan and his troops who were exploring the Mesa, the Novitiates, and a captive Kerra Holt. When Yulan voiced concerns about sacrificing his entire force on Skarpos, Odion dismissed the General's worries, stating that his men's deaths were inevitable, and the Helm merely accelerated the process. A triumphant Odion then set course for Vanahame, intending to exploit the anguish and misery of the captive orphans within the cloister there to power the Helm on a galactic scale. His plan was to use the Helm to eradicate all life in the galaxy, beginning with the Grumani sector, and fulfill his desire to be the only sentient being in the galaxy, the king of a graveyard.

On the journey to Vanahame, Odion viewed the holorecorder recovered on Skarpos and discovered that it contained a transmission left by Kerra's parents, Mercia and Aron, before their deaths. The husband and wife team had sacrificed their lives on Skarpos by detonating the chamber in an attempt to prevent Odion and any other Sith from accessing the dangerous Sith artifact. As a Sith, Odion could not comprehend why others would willingly sacrifice their lives for people they did not know. To him, life was meaningless, and so was death. While Odion realized that the Holts had merely feigned loyalty to his cause during Project Pandemonium, he still saw it as an opportunity to torment Kerra. He ordered Yulan to show her the recording. However, rather than demoralizing her, the holorecording had the opposite effect. It only strengthened Kerra's resolve to continue her fight against the Sith. She also recognized that beings could still achieve great things even through death. Yulan also softened his initial animosity towards Kerra and began to grudgingly admire her for risking her life to find her parents in the Odionate.
Vilia, having learned of Odion's plans through Daiman, convinced the other members of her family to set aside their differences and unite to stop Odion. The Lords dispatched a combined fleet on a hyperspace course to Vanahame, while Vilia attempted to contact her grandson by intercom, hoping to speak with him and persuade him to abandon his plan. However, she was unsuccessful, as he refused to speak with her. In his own twisted, nihilistic beliefs, Odion believed that he had no family or friends, only enemies to be killed so he could end the pain of existence.
Odion had ordered the installation of subspace links that would provide live feeds of the Helm's effects on locations within Odion's targeting range, allowing him to witness the consequences of the Helm's power. He also had a captive Kerra bound to a frame, where she would be forced to watch the carnage wrought by the Helm. Odion attempted to taunt Kerra by asking if she wanted to hear her parents' last words on the holorecorder, but she refused, stating that all his rivals were coming for him and that he should be more concerned with them.
For the first time, Odion then ordered all the lights in the Cloister to be extinguished, terrifying the captive children and generating the necessary negative emotions, such as fear and anguish, needed to power the Helm. While Odion and most of his Novitiates sadistically reveled in the children's suffering, Kerra and Yulan were disgusted and disturbed. When Kerra expressed surprise that simply turning off the lights was all that was required, the General explained that they had never been turned off before, and that the most horrific torture devised by an adult mind paled in comparison to what a frightened youngling could imagine.
Odion again taunted Kerra, saying that she had truly missed out, and if she had known what was going to happen, she would have succumbed to the Dark Side and embraced his nihilistic beliefs. However, because of her unwavering devotion to the Jedi path, she could only watch in captivity. Odion stated that the children's anguish would power the Helm, while Kerra's only brought him pleasure. Meanwhile, Kerra attempted to appeal to Yulan's decency and humanity, urging him to turn against Odion and destroy the facility. When Yulan asked if she was willing to sacrifice her life to save a group of strangers, she replied that she still wanted to live and save the children, and everyone's children. However, dying then and there would have meaning if it stopped Odion. Kerra successfully reached Yulan by stating that the difference between droids and people was that people were capable of achieving something even in death. She added that people mattered, including his own deceased children. When Yulan stated that they were dead, Kerra reiterated that they still mattered.
As Odion's Novitiates prepared for the galactic apocalypse, he gave Yulan the opportunity to request a final wish as a "reward" for his service. Feigning a desire to contribute his energies to the Helm, Yulan asked Odion if he could descend to the Cloister to spend his final moments. Odion, unaware that Yulan had renounced him, granted his request, saying that he could add his misery to the younglings. Once the death ritual had finished drawing on all the emotional energies of the captive children, Odion planned to shut down the life support systems in the Cloister, killing the younglings.

With the Helm fully charged by the suffering of his child captives, Odion proceeded to unleash his powers in a death ritual. He began with a stirring declaration affirming his beliefs and then exhorted his Novitiates to "end the pain" by killing each other in a homicidal frenzy. He then used the Helm to unleash a wave of murderous chaos throughout the Grumani sector, resulting in numerous sentient beings being killed or wounded. Even his Sith family was not immune, and several of the allied ships began firing on each other. In this subsequent Force-induced madness, his estranged brother Daiman was also forced to use Force lightning to fend off several crazed crewmembers on his flagship. Meanwhile, Kerra managed to escape her bonds and seized a lightsaber from a Novitiate, attempting to kill Odion while he was distracted on his throne. However, she was stopped by Wayman, who attempted to force her to submit to Odion's will once and for all. Odion expressed sadistic glee over the carnage occurring throughout the Grumani sector and within his throne room.
While all this was happening, Yulan entered the Cloister's control room, taking the two men stationed there by surprise, as they were distracted by the screaming of the frightened children and the chaos occurring upstairs. When one of the operators tried to order Yulan to leave, he shot him with a blaster pistol. He then forced the remaining operator, a Human man named Murl, to step away from the controls at gunpoint. Yulan quickly switched the lights back on, which immediately ended the state of dismay and panic among the cloister children. This had the immediate effect of ending the Helm's destructive rampage. Odion was about to unleash the Helm of Ieldis's power on the entire galaxy, which would have resulted in the deaths of trillions of sentient beings and enabled him to achieve his nihilistic goal of being the only living being in the galaxy. However, the Helm's powers immediately ceased as the emotions in the cloister shifted from despair to relief, quickly ending the murderous frenzy and causing pain to Odion. Wayman was surprised and distracted by his master's distress, and Kerra seized the opportunity to run him through with her lightsaber, killing him.
Odion, realizing that someone had turned on the lights in the Cloister, opened a channel to the control room to find out what was happening. Kerra, realizing that Yulan was responsible, told him to throw the other switch to release the younglings from their bubble prisons. This resulted in their emotions in the Cloister changing from feelings of fear and misery to those of joy and happiness, as the children realized their freedom. This sudden surge in positive emotions caused the Helm to malfunction, creating a storm of energy that blasted the roof off the tower and set Odion alight.
As Odion burned, he pleaded with Kerra to help him by transporting him to Jubalene, where he could receive medical treatment. He feared the arrival of his rivals and the impending collapse of the Odionate. However, Kerra was unmoved by his pleas, as he had nearly ended all sentient life in the galaxy. She also told him that her parents' deaths had meant something to her, and his death would as well. Out of desperation, Odion attempted to appeal to Kerra by telling her that he could help her find her younger sibling if she would save him. However, Kerra had by then reached the conclusion that all the children in the various Odionate cloisters were her brothers and sisters, regardless of their gender and species. Instead, Kerra refused to make any deals with Odion and left him to burn to death.
Due to the centralized nature of governance within the Odionate, Odion's death meant that there was no successor who could replace him. As a result, the Odionate collapsed, with Odion's relatives each seizing the opportunity to claim as much territory as possible, with Daiman taking the largest portion, seeing an opportunity to expand his own holdings.

Odion endured a challenging and unhappy childhood; he was unloved by his mother, Xelian, who despised him as repulsive while openly favoring his younger brother, Daiman. Odion's personality was also influenced by his allergic hypersensitivity to the presence of other sentient beings, whom he perceived as burning brightly through the Force; an effect that blinded and overwhelmed his senses. These childhood experiences, coupled with his hypersensitive Force connection, led Odion to develop a nihilistic worldview with the goal of destroying as much of the galaxy as possible. He believed that all people existed to be killed by him, viewing each murder as unique and pleasurable in its own way. He believed that he could only find peace by destroying all other sentients in the galaxy.
He also had a strained relationship with his younger brother, Daiman, which dated back to the latter's birth, which had triggered perpetual, debilitating headaches throughout Odion's life. Odion also had a dysfunctional relationship with his mother, Xelian, who openly favored Daiman over him. This was further exacerbated by an internecine sibling rivalry encouraged by their grandmother, Vilia Calimondra, who had promised to bequeath her holdings to the heir who had conquered the most territories. This plunged the Grumani sector into ceaseless warfare during the Republic Dark Age. Throughout his life, Odion constantly sought to outdo his brother, directly engaging his forces during the Chelloan campaign and even assisting Zodoh's efforts to conquer the Daimanate during the Aquilaris campaign.
By 1032 BBY, Odion's nihilistic quest for galactic domination led him to invest significant resources in acquiring the Helm of Ieldis. It had been developed by the Sith Lord Ieldis for the purpose of driving sentient beings into a homicidal frenzy through the dark side of the Force. At the height of his rule, Odion attempted to unleash a murderous, Force-induced apocalypse on the galaxy through the Helm. He hoped to fulfill his nihilistic ambitions of ending all other life in the galaxy except for himself. However, his efforts were thwarted by the Jedi Kerra Holt and his General Yulan, who rejected his nihilistic cult.
Odion differed from most other Sith Lords in several ways. While most other Sith were unaffected by the glow of life in the Force, that glow caused Odion pain, which manifested as debilitating headaches. These headaches began following the birth of his estranged younger brother, Daiman. His inability to cope with or hide from this pain led him to embrace a nihilistic mindset that glorified death and destruction as a means of alleviating this pain.
However, as he continued his study of Sith knowledge, he discovered that with that weakness came a strength—namely, he could channel feelings of anguish and despair in one person into a crazed, enraged madness in another. Odion was also capable of generating mindless battle frenzy and rage in another being. On one occasion in Jubalene, he used this power to compel three former Duros bankers into attacking a rancor at an arena. Odion was able to harness the dark side energies that resulted from their violent deaths. In addition, Odion could also wield Force lightning, using it to briefly stun Kerra Holt in the back, revealing himself and his possession of the Helm of Ieldis.
As with many Sith warriors, Odion was skilled in lightsaber combat, which he employed on a number of occasions, including a duel that ended in the death of Jedi Master Vannar Treece. Despite his combat abilities, he was occasionally outmaneuvered by the Jedi Knight Kerra Holt, who became a persistent foe of the Sith Lord towards the end of his life. Odion was also able to harness the powers of the Helm of Ieldis by using it to channel feelings of anguish and despair emanating from other sentient beings. On Skarpos, he used Kerra's despair to destroy three entire armies. Later on Vanahame, he attempted to use the fear and panic of the child inmates in the cloister there to destroy the galaxy. However, he was thwarted by Kerra and Yulan, who freed the children, which released a surge of positive emotions that caused the Helm to overload and explode into flames, killing Odion.

Odion was the elder brother of Daiman; in African cultures, the name "Odion" meant the "eldest of twins." He was created as one of the main antagonists of the Knight Errant comic series, which debuted with the release of Knight Errant 0 during Celebration V in August 12–15, 2010. Odion serves as one of the two primary villains in the series' first story arc, Star Wars: Knight Errant: Aflame, which ran from October 13, 2010, through to February 16, 2011. His backstory was developed by John Jackson Miller, while the character was drawn by artist Ivan Rodriguez, inked by Belardino Brabo, and colored by Michael Atiyeh. He also appeared in Miller's tie-in novel Knight Errant, which was first released on January 22, 2011. This novel further contextualized Odion's role within the dynamics of the Calimondra family, a powerful Sith dynasty in the Grumani sector.
Odion plays a smaller role within the second story arc, Star Wars: Knight Errant: Deluge, which ran from August 17 to December 21, 2010. However, he makes three separate cameo appearances in the first and last issues. In the first issue, Odion was still depicted with burn injuries on the left side of his face. As with the first story arc, he was drawn by Rodriguez and colored by Atiyeh. However, in the fifth issue, his face is shown as fully healed, with no burnt tissue. In this issue, he was drawn by David Daza, inked by Sergio Abad, and colored by Atiyeh.
Odion plays a more significant role in the story plot of the third story arc, Star Wars: Knight Errant: Escape, which ran from June 13 to October 10, 2012. This comic arc delves into both his nihilistic beliefs and his quest for the Helm of Ieldis, while the third issue in the story arc, Knight Errant: Escape 3, which debuted on August 8, 2010, offers a glimpse into how his troubled childhood shaped his worldview. In the last issue of the arc, Knight Errant: Escape 5, Odion's character is killed off at the height of his power, culminating in a climactic confrontation with the main protagonist, Kerra Holt. In this story arc, he is drawn by Marco Castiello and Andrea Chella, inked by Vincenzo Acunzo, and colored by Atiyeh.