During the New Sith Wars, the planet of Alderaan was the origin of Grace Command, an ostensibly humanitarian organization. Officially, its purpose was to conduct relief missions in space controlled by the Sith. This group utilized a collection of starships, notably Fire Lotus-class starfighters along with various transport vessels. Jenn Devaad, a former Republic Navy Captain, led Devil Squadron, a unit composed of Fire Lotus starfighters. However, Grace Command served as a cover for clandestine operations orchestrated by Baron Lemayne, an officer within Republic Intelligence. One particular operation, known as Operation Deluge, involved the distribution of the narcotic substance Deluge among the Sith military, with the intention of destabilizing their territories. This action also had a significant impact on the local populations. Deluge possessed potent effects, capable of suppressing a sentient being's desires and inducing a state of lethargy and apathy.
Around 1032 BBY, Grace Command dispatched Devil Squadron, a volunteer squadron under the leadership of Captain Jenn Devaad, to liberate the planet Aquilaris Minor. This liberation was intended to pave the way for Grace Command's subsequent supply missions to the planet. However, this liberation would have drastic consequences for the social and health well-being of the local population. Following a space battle, Devil Squadron was captured by Zodoh, a Hutt crime lord. Zodoh also deployed Stormdrivers, devices that created powerful storms, on Aquilaris, resulting in a widespread flood. Furthermore, Zodoh sought to replicate the effects of Operation Deluge by synthesizing his own supply of Deluge and adding it to the food supply. By impacting every adult and child within the Grumani sector, Zodoh aimed to diminish Sith resistance and establish himself as the undisputed ruler of the region. He forced her to gather samples of the drug, promising to spare her crew in exchange.
Despite Jenn's compliance, Zodoh betrayed her by executing her crew, releasing them into space through the airlock. In response, Jenn sabotaged the Deluge-laced food containers with timed explosives, detonating them and subsequently escaping to reunite with Jedi Knight Kerra Holt. Following the Battle of Darkknell, Zodoh was ultimately defeated and killed, effectively ending any Hutt aspirations of challenging Sith dominance in Sith Space. After the Aquilaris campaign, Devaad and Holt devised a plan to undermine Operation Deluge. Devaad would return to Grace Command and fabricate a story about successfully distributing Deluge on Aquilaris Minor. This ruse would ensure that Grace Command continued to dispatch transport ships, which Devaad would personally pilot to and from Sith-occupied planets. During these voyages, she would dispose of the Deluge while simultaneously evacuating civilian refugees back to the Republic. Aquilaris, with its underwater Harvester stations, would become a crucial hub for refugees within the Grumani sector.