
Lemayne, a noble of Alderaanian descent, was a male Human who bore the title of baron during the era of the New Sith Wars. He established the Grace Command charity as a front for his clandestine intelligence activities on behalf of the Galactic Republic. Operation Deluge, an initiative to flood Sith-controlled territories with the spice known as Deluge to weaken the Sith war machine without significant government expenditure, was one such operation. This undertaking was masked by the humanitarian efforts of Grace Command and the purportedly volunteer Devil Squadron Starfighters. However, this resulted in the mass exposure of civilian populations to the drug, leading to widespread instability across planets within the Grumani sector.

After the Aquilaris campaign and the Battle of Darkknell, Devaad and Holt devised a plan to disrupt Operation Deluge. Devaad's role involved returning to Grace Command and falsely confessing to obtaining the Deluge for distribution on Aquilaris Minor. This would guarantee the continued dispatch of a transport vessel by Grace Command, which Devaad would pilot to and from Sith-occupied planets. During these journeys, she would dispose of the Deluge while simultaneously transporting civilian refugees back to the Republic.

