Aquilaris, also known as Aquilaris Minor, was a planet located within the Grumani sector of the Outer Rim Territories.

While Aquilaris Minor possessed some land, it was primarily an ocean world. Its oceans teemed with marine life, including algae and eels. These resources were harvested by the Seacroppers' Guild as a source of sustenance. The surface of the planet was largely flat, lacking significant mountain ranges. Its varied terrain featured equatorial beaches as well as polar fjords. A chain of islands was also present near Capital Cay. Tarrah Hill represented the highest known elevation on Aquilaris, yet it was still susceptible to inundation.
The primary city of the planet, Capital Cay, functioned as a crucial coastal port, maintaining a substantial fleet of Seacropper Submersibles and other vessels. Furthermore, Capital Cay housed at least one spaceport facilitating interstellar travel. The planet's geographical characteristics, characterized by flat terrain and extensive oceans, rendered it prone to widespread flooding. During the Aquilaris campaign, a fleet of Stormdrivers, armed with weaponized vaporators, triggered a global deluge that submerged much of Aquilaris' land surface.
Between the years of 3701 BBY and 3699 BBY, the hyperlane known as the Hydian Way was mapped through the Aquilaris system as part of the Seswenna Expansion. Sometime during or after this period, the planet became a member of the Galactic Republic, promoting itself as a major tourist destination and a seafood exporter. Despite the Republic's presence in the Grumani sector, the New Sith Wars threatened to destabilize the region. Jedi Knight Vannar Treece took in refugees and led the resistance on the planet before it fell in 1042 BBY to the Sith Chagras Hegemony.
Following the demise of Lord Chagras, his empire fragmented into numerous smaller territories. Aquilaris then was under the control of various Sith Lords, and its inhabitants experienced considerable poverty and hardship under their dominion. By 1032 BBY, the planet had been integrated into Lord Daiman's principality, known as the Daimanate. His policies involved exploiting Aquilaris as a source of seafood to supply his military forces, causing severe suffering among the Aquilarian population. As he did on his other conquered planets, Daiman erected large statues and holographic projectors depicting himself to maintain ideological control over the planet's inhabitants.

Baron Lemayne of Alderaan, who led the Republic's Grace Command, initiated a clandestine operation that involved distributing the addictive spice Deluge into Sith-controlled areas, including Aquilaris. While this strategy effectively weakened the Sith military without requiring significant Republic resources, the spice addiction negatively impacted the lives of many Aquilarians. After a three-way battle at Capital Cay, the Daimanate garrison was defeated by Hutt forces commanded by Zodoh and Grace Command's Devil Squadron. Meanwhile, Jedi Knight Kerra Holt, responding to a distress signal from the Seacroppers' Guild, infiltrated her homeworld. She then made contact with Devil Squadron and assisted in the final operations against Daiman's Sith forces.
Although Grace Command was initially welcomed as liberators by the local population and provided much-needed food and medical aid, they secretly distributed additional supplies of Deluge spice. Their strategy involved withdrawing from Aquilaris, allowing Sith forces to reclaim the planet, thus perpetuating the addiction. However, Devil Squadron was ambushed and captured by Zodoh following a dogfight in the Aquilaris Minor system. In the meantime, Zodoh had deployed a fleet of Stormdrivers, capital ships capable of creating artificial floods. His aim was to submerge Aquilaris' surface to intimidate the local Sith lords.
Zodoh coerced Captain Jenn Devaad of Devil Squadron to retrieve the remaining Deluge spice on Aquilaris. His plan was to synthesize his own supply and then contaminate food supplies with the spice to weaken resistance in the Grumani sector. However, Devaad sabotaged his scheme by rigging the containers with explosives. The resulting explosion allowed her to escape and disrupted the Stormdrivers' artificial storms and floods on Aquilaris. Simultaneously, Holt, with the help of local Seacroppers Padgett and Joad Kreel, managed to evacuate thousands of flood refugees to an underwater harvester station. Despite the extensive damage caused by the global flood, Aquilaris' small population resulted in fewer lives being lost. Pleased with his successful testing on Aquilaris, Zodoh sent his Stormdrivers to Darkknell, the capital of Daiman's princedom.
Following the Battle of Darkknell, the floodwaters gradually receded, and the refugees were able to slowly return to their homes. Aquilaris was spared from further Sith invasions due to false intelligence indicating that it was still completely submerged. With its underwater harvester stations, Aquilaris subsequently became a crucial hub for transporting refugees from Sith territory to Republic space. Following the Aquilaris campaign, the distribution of Deluge spice was stopped. Meanwhile, Devaad provided Grace Command with false information, claiming that she had secured a contract to distribute Deluge to Aquilaris. However, en route, Devaad arranged for the Deluge to be dumped into space, and the same transport ship was then used to transport refugees to Republic space.
Aquilaris Minor made its first appearance in the Star Wars: Knight Errant comic series, debuting in a flashback scene in Knight Errant: Aflame 2 on November 10, 2010. Later, the planet played a more significant role in the plot of the Deluge story arc. Throughout the Knight Errant series, the planet has consistently been referred to simply as Aquilaris.
Jason Fry confirmed that the designation Aquilaris Minor was created to reconcile mapping inconsistencies between the planet Aquilaris as depicted in Knight Errant and previous sources.