
A Stormdriver represented a capital ship design employed by the Hutt crime boss Zodoh during the historical period known as the Republic Dark Age.


These Stormdrivers incorporated several weaponized vaporators, which were capable of generating heavy rainfall through the extraction of moisture from the surrounding air. Furthermore, they included defensive measures designed to protect against starfighter assaults.


During the Battle of Capital Cay, which took place in 1032 BBY, a Stormdriver was deployed to inflict widespread damage upon Daiman's defending forces. It achieved this by conjuring atmospheric storms and floods that swept the defenders into the ocean. However, starfighter units from Grace Command's Devil Squadron, a mercy organization based on Alderaan and allied with the Galactic Republic, successfully destroyed this vessel. Despite this setback, Zodoh acquired sufficient data regarding Aquilaris' atmospheric systems to proceed with the subsequent phase of the Aquilaris campaign. This involved utilizing a fleet of Stormdrivers to extract all moisture from Aquilaris' atmosphere, followed by the creation of atmospheric storms intended to flood the entire planet. Zodoh's objective was to leverage this novel superweapon to intimidate his Sith rivals, notably Sith Lord Daiman, into submission.

During the Great Aquilaris Deluge, the Stormdrivers inundated a significant portion of Aquilaris' surface; however, their operations were disrupted by a series of explosions that crippled the data processing center aboard Voracious, Zodoh's flagship. Despite this disruption, Zodoh considered his operation on Aquilaris a success and subsequently deployed his Stormdriver fleet to Darkknell, the capital of Daiman's realm. The Stormdrivers once again inflicted substantial damage on Darkknell, but their activities were again curtailed by the destruction of Voracious at the hands of two of Zodoh's adversaries: Jedi Knight Kerra Holt and Grace Command captain Jenn Devaad. Following the Battle of Darkknell, the Stormdrivers presumably retreated or were seized by Daiman's defensive forces. A vaporator, modified from a Stormdriver, was later employed by Daiman to execute Zodoh, as retribution for the humiliation of being temporarily rendered impotent.

