Republic Dark Age

The period known as the Republic Dark Age refers to the final century of the New Sith Wars, spanning from approximately 1100 BBY to the Ruusan Reformation in 1000 BBY. In the view of later generations, this era saw the Galactic Republic diminished and its power significantly weakened.


The decline of the Old Republic had been underway since the beginning of the Draggulch Period around 2000 BBY. During the New Sith Wars, numerous worlds were abandoned to the New Sith Empire, with even more deserted during the Republic's strategic withdrawals. Countless long-established businesses failed, lawlessness became widespread as the Republic struggled under increasing strain and proved ineffective, and many valuable mineral deposits were depleted. The decay of its political framework accelerated following the Sith triumph in the Battle of Mizra in 1466 BBY. However, these events were merely a prelude to the true difficulties of the Dark Age. The Galactic Senate transferred nearly all of its authority to the Supreme Chancellor, many of whom were Jedi at the time, such as Jedi Master Genarra. Across the galaxy, Jedi organized themselves into groups to protect individual planets, and even entire regions of space, from the Sith, pirates, enslavers, and warlords. In some instances, the Jedi provided support to existing governments, while in others, they assumed positions of leadership themselves to safeguard the populace from external dangers. The most unstable regions were divided into Jedi baronial sectors by the Supreme Chancellors in an attempt to better coordinate the ongoing conflict against the Sith. Despite apparent internal divisions among the Sith and the official depiction of the conflict as merely a series of skirmishes against an illegal organization, the situation gradually weakened both the Republic Navy and Army, both of which increasingly came under Jedi influence.

A significant alteration to the galactic situation was that the Old Republic could no longer afford to maintain the HoloNet beyond the Core Worlds, forcing reliance on couriers for communication with more distant regions. Making matters worse, a galaxy-spanning outbreak of the Candorian plague resulted in the deaths of up to two-thirds of the populations on some planets.

As previously mentioned, the threat posed by the Sith appears to have been significantly reduced compared to earlier centuries, but near the end of this period, around 1010 BBY, Lord Kaan unified the warring Sith factions into the Brotherhood of Darkness, initiating the final chapter of the New Sith Wars, sometimes referred to as the Light and Darkness War. Republic forces, under the command of leaders such as Hoth, a Jedi Master and General, achieved some notable victories, initially driving Kaan's forces from their stronghold in the Cloak of the Sith. However, the Sith later reclaimed their ancient capital on Korriban and launched deep strikes into the Core Worlds.

In the war's final two or three years, much of the Jedi and Sith attention was directed towards the planet Ruusan, located near Kashyyyk, where the entire Brotherhood of Darkness engaged the Jedi, whom Hoth had organized into the Army of Light, in a prolonged series of battles.

It is generally accepted that the Dark Age concluded with either the Sith defeat at the Seventh Battle of Ruusan or the subsequent Ruusan Reformation.

Timeline of the Republic Dark Age

  • 1100 BBY The Galactic Republic rediscovers Tatooine.

  • 1094 BBY Melida/Daan is colonized.

  • 1066 BBY Vilia, the matriarch of the Sith Calimondra family, initiates the first Charge Matrica to choose a successor from her seven offspring.[2]

  • 1050 BBY The Charge Matrica culminates in the rise of Sith Lord Chagras, who assumes control of the Chagras Hegemony.[2]

  • 1042 BBY While under the authority of the Chagras Hegemony, Odion perpetrates the Massacre of Aquilaris.[3] Odion initiates Project Pandemonium, a highly confidential mission to locate the Helm of Ieldis, an ancient Sith relic.[4]

  • 1040 BBY Sith Lord Chagras passes away under mysterious circumstances.[5] The Second Charge Matrica erupts among Vilia's grandchildren,[2] leading to the fragmentation of the Hegemony into several territories.[5]

  • 1032 BBY Operation Influx unfolds.[6] Jedi Knight Kerra Holt undertakes a personal campaign against the warring Sith Lords Daiman and Odion.[6] Chelloa's surface is devastated, but the planet's inhabitants are evacuated by the Freedom Fleet.[7] The Battle of Gazzari concludes with the invasion and collapse of the Bactranate.[2] The Arkadianate incorporates the Dyarchy world of Byllura.[2] The Siege of Calimondretta occurs when Kerra and Brigadier Jarrow Rusher escape from Syned, the Arkadianate capital.[2] A three-sided Aquilaris campaign ensues, culminating in the Great Aquilaris Deluge.[8][9] Hutt lord Zodoh's invasion of Sith territory is repelled at the Battle of Darkknell.[10] Odion restarts Project Pandemonium and successfully acquires the Helm of Ieldis on Skarpos.[4] Odion's cataclysmic attempt at galactic dominance ends with his demise at the Battle of Vanahame.[11] The Odionate collapses and is divided among his relatives; the liberation of Odionate cloister child inmates follows.[11]

  • 1026 BBY Dessel, who would later be known as Darth Bane, is born on Apatros.

  • 1010 BBY A Sith Lord conjures the Behemoth from the World Below on Aduba-3. Dannik Jerriko is born on Anzat. Rain, who would later become Darth Zannah, is born on Somov Rit.

  • 1006 BBY Battle of Korriban

  • c. 1004 BBY (campaigns of Lord Hoth ) Campaign in the Cloak of the Sith Battle of Hoth Battle of Dromund Kaas

  • 1003 BBY Battle of Kashyyyk Battle of Hsskhor

  • 1002 BBY Battle of Phaseera First Battle of Ruusan Second Battle of Ruusan Battle of Bespin Battle of Sullust Battle of Taanab Invasion of Bormea sector Third Battle of Ruusan

  • 1001 BBY Spira is colonized.

  • 1001 BBY1000 BBY Battle of Harpori Duel on Balowa Clashes on Ambria Fourth Battle of Ruusan Fifth Battle of Ruusan Sixth Battle of Ruusan Seventh Battle of Ruusan

