
Genarra, a female Jedi Master, held the dual roles of Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic and leader of the Jedi Order during the New Sith Wars, approximately in 1032 BBY. After becoming Chancellor, Genarra opted not to directly authorize offensives against the Sith, the Republic's adversaries. However, she permitted the actions of Vannar Treece, a Jedi Master who organized incursions into Sith controlled space. Treece dispatched numerous reports to Genarra, including one detailing a pending operation within the Grumani sector.


During the era of the New Sith Wars, a period of intense conflict between the Galactic Republic and the newly emerged Sith, Genarra served the Jedi Order as a female Jedi Consular. Eventually, Genarra rose to the rank of Jedi Master and, around 1032 BBY, was designated as the head of both the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic, becoming one of several Jedi who have held the position of Supreme Chancellor. During her leadership, Genarra chose not to directly fund large-scale attacks on the Sith because she felt that most Republic citizens feared Sith aggression and would not support plans to send large amounts of Jedi Knights on campaigns in Sith space, preferring that the Jedi defend the Republic's borders.

Despite limits on these kinds of operations, the Jedi Master Vannar Treece initiated several expeditions into Sith territories. Genarra did not object to Treece's activities, and the Jedi Knight Kerra Holt routinely sent reports to the Chancellor on Treece's behalf. Around 1032 BBY, Treece started planning a mission to take a Jedi team to raid Sith baradium production sites in the Grumani sector. To prepare for the operation, he compiled a report for Genarra outlining the proposed mission and detailing the situation in the Grumani sector. Genarra also received a copy of a briefing given by Holt to the Defense Ministry on the specific tactics to be employed in the mission. Treece's raid did not succeed as planned, resulting in the death of his entire strike team, except for Holt, who was stranded in the Grumani sector. During her time in the region, Holt acquired significant information about the family of the Sith Lord Vilia Calimondra, and she documented her findings. The mercenary Jarrow Rusher agreed to transport the information to the Republic. Holt suggested that, upon his arrival in Republic space, Rusher would likely have the opportunity to meet Genarra because of the value of the information.

Personality and traits

Genarra was pleased with the outcomes of Vannar Treece's raids because they improved Republic morale while consuming relatively few Republic military resources. Treece made sure not to unnecessarily endanger the Jedi involved in his missions, believing he owed it to Genarra to prevent their lives from being wasted. Genarra wielded a green-bladed lightsaber, the typical color of lightsaber for a Jedi Consular.

Behind the scenes

John Jackson Miller created Genarra, and she was first mentioned in Star Wars: Knight Errant: Influx, a short story published on in 2010. She subsequently received mentions in the online article The Knight Errant Gazetteer and Miller's 2011 novel, Knight Errant.

