Seacropper Submersible

Seacropper Submersible Seacropper Submersible on Aquilaris. Around 1032 BBY, during the time known as the Republic Dark Age, the Seacropper Submersible served as a type of underwater vessel on Aquilaris Minor. The Seacroppers' Guild utilized these submersibles for the purpose of harvesting marine life, ensuring a supply of seafood for the local population. By the time the Battle of Capital Cay occurred, a significant number of these submersibles had fallen into disrepair, primarily due to inadequate maintenance and a scarcity of replacement components. One well-known Seacropper, Joad Kreel, began piloting this very machine at the young age of 13, accompanied by Kerra Holt, who was only eight years old at the time.

During the Aquilaris campaign, Joad leveraged a submersible in order to help evacuate civilians after the Hutt crimelord Zodoh's fleet of Stormdrivers caused widespread flooding.

