The Chagras Hegemony represented a Sith power situated within the Grumani sector during the era of the New Sith Wars.

The Sith Lord known as Chagras established the Chagras Hegemony, skillfully maneuvering to seize control over considerable portions of the Grumani sector. After Chagras' death in 1040 BBY, ambitious Sith Lords, formerly in Chagras' service, engaged in conflicts to dominate the Hegemony. This infighting led to the emergence of the Bactranate, the Daimanate, and the Odionate within territories that were once part of the Hegemony. Conversely, some star systems resisted these new warlords, forming what became the Chagrasi Remnant, though its status as a legitimate Sith power remained uncertain.