Chagras, a male Human, rose to become a Sith Lord during the era known as the Republic Dark Age. He was one of seven offspring of Vilia Calimondra, a powerful Sith Lord who had established a large empire within the Grumani sector. Chagras engaged in a fierce contest against his siblings to determine who would inherit their mother's dominion. Throughout this conflict, he established himself as the leader of the Chagras Hegemony, a Sith state, and seized control over extensive regions of space. Ultimately, Chagras emerged victorious and was named Calimondra's heir. However, in 1042 BBY, he initiated a campaign against the Galactic Republic, but his ambitions were cut short when he was killed by a nerve toxin under mysterious circumstances in 1040 BBY.

During the Republic Dark Age, there lived a male Human Sith Lord named Chagras. He was one of the seven children of Vilia Calimondra, a Sith Lord who held sway over a large empire located in the Grumani sector. He aspired to inherit Calimondra's vast holdings. However, his siblings harbored similar ambitions, leading Calimondra to orchestrate the Charge Matrica in 1066 BBY, a competition designed to identify her successor. She tasked her children with expanding her territories, intending to designate the one who achieved the greatest expansion as her heir. Initially, the siblings cooperated. But, after Chagras' efforts began to falter, his sister Xelian declared war on him, triggering hostilities among all the siblings.
Through strategic brilliance, Chagras managed to seize control of vast expanses of space, thereby establishing a Sith state known as the Chagras Hegemony. He also developed the Death Spiral, an automated ground attack vehicle, and constructed several of these war machines. He became the father of a daughter named Arkadia Calimondra, and he was also an uncle to the children of his siblings, including Daiman and Odion, the sons of Xelian. Around 1046 BBY, he became a father again, this time to twin children named Dromika and Quillan.
Ultimately, Chagras was the sole surviving child of Vilia Calimondra, and he became her heir around 1050 BBY. His victory brought stability to the Grumani sector and secured the support of his nieces and nephews. Consequently, he tasked them with repairing the damage inflicted by the war on his holdings. By 1042 BBY, he was powerful enough to direct his attention towards the worlds of the Galactic Republic beyond the Grumani sector. He dispatched Odion to plunder the University of Sanbra, a renowned educational institution situated on the planet Sanbra. Shortly thereafter, under Calimondra's orders, Chagras sent Odion to conquer the Republic-held world of Aquilaris. Odion carried out a massacre of most of the world's inhabitants, but Chagras intervened to prevent his nephew from exterminating the entire population, intending to use some of the people as slaves to operate Aquilaris's fleek eel traps. Odion secretly captured some researchers from the University of Sanbra on Aquilaris to aid him in locating the Helm of Ieldis, a potent Sith artifact. He suspected that Chagras had sent him away because he suspected something. Late in his reign, Chagras annexed the agrarian planet Chelloa and relocated much of its population to the frontier regions of the Chagras Hegemony to serve as soldiers. However, before more planets could fall to the Sith, Chagras was killed by a potent nerve toxin under mysterious circumstances in 1040 BBY.
Following Chagras' demise, custody of Dromika and Quillan passed to Saaj Calician, a Krevaaki Sith Lord who had previously served under Chagras. Vilia Calimondra initiated a second Charge Matrica to select a new heir from among her grandchildren, leading to renewed conflict and the fragmentation of Chagras' former holdings into over ten distinct territories. However, a small portion of his territories resisted the invaders and became known as the Chagrasi Remnant.
Around 1032 BBY, Vannar Treece, a Jedi Master, compiled a report detailing the situation in the Grumani sector, including Chagras' rise to power and subsequent death. Around this time, Arkadia launched a plot to avenge her father's death by assassinating Vilia, whom she believed had orchestrated his demise. Arkadia theorized that her grandmother had organized the Charge Matrica to keep the Calimondra family focused on internal conflict, thus preventing them from plotting against her. She also believed that Vilia feared assassination after Chagras' victory. Arkadia arranged for Narsk Ka'hane, a Bothan, to kill Vilia using Chagras's Blood, a nerve toxin derived from Synedian algae. However, Ka'hane was secretly working for Vilia, and Arkadia's plot failed.
Chagras was known for his intelligence, and many refugees considered his rule to be preferable to that of other Sith in the sector. He was very fond of Dromika and Quillan, and they were deeply saddened by his death. Chagras possessed the ability to use the Force to heal himself, but the nerve toxin proved too potent for his powers to counteract.
John Jackson Miller created Chagras, and he was first mentioned in Knight Errant 0, a preview issue of the comic series Star Wars: Knight Errant, which alluded to the "Chagras Hegemony." In November 2010, he was mentioned again in The Knight Errant Gazetteer, an article penned by Miller, Daniel Wallace, and Jason Fry and published on This article was the first to identify Chagras as an individual and clarify his relationship to the Chagras Hegemony. He was later referenced in the Knight Errant novel, written by Miller and released in January 2011, and received further mentions in the 6th and 14th issues of the comic.