Chelloa, situated within the Grumani sector of the Outer Rim Territories, was a planet of the terrestrial type. Initially colonized by the Galactic Republic as an agricultural world, it later faced occupation by the Chagras Hegemony during the Republic Dark Age. After the demise of Sith Lord Chagras, control of the planet shifted to his nephew, Daiman, the leader of the Daimanate fiefdom. Daiman's discovery of significant baradium deposits beneath the planet's surface led to extensive mining operations aimed at fueling his war efforts. These operations decimated the planet's population and drew the attention of both the Jedi Order and Daiman's estranged brother, Odion, who was also a Sith Lord and ruler of the Odionate.
Following the failure of Operation Influx carried out by Jedi agents, Daiman initiated a severe crackdown across the planet and prepared for conflict with Odion. He secretly brought in ten kinetic corruptors, camouflaged as mobile munitions complexes, to serve as a trap for Odion. The surface of Chelloa was then devastated and rendered unfit for life in the aftermath of a climatic engagement that largely destroyed Odion's invading forces. While Daiman successfully evacuated himself and the majority of his troops, Jedi Knights Kerra Holt and Gorlan Palladane were instrumental in safely evacuating most of the remaining inhabitants.

Chelloa was a planet of the terrestrial type, primarily agrarian, capable of sustaining diverse species, including Humans, Rodians, Duros, and T'surr. It existed as a quiet, rural backwater locale until the Republic Dark Age, when the discovery of substantial baradium deposits changed its fate. The Chagras Hegemony then annexed the planet, followed by its successor, the Daimanate, which initiated large-scale baradium mining that caused extensive environmental damage. By 1032 BBY, only seven mining towns, including Jenith, Arboth and Picomith, were left, housing a total sentient population of 60,000. Jenith was situated close to a large mountain range, which housed Daiman's private alpine compound and included a spaceport.
In 1032 BBY, Chelloa was centrally located in the Grumani sector, near a hyperspace lane that connected to Republic territories. Its proximity to the Republic, combined with its baradium operations, made it a target for the Jedi Operation Influx.
In the early years of the Galactic Republic, Chelloa was colonized by Republic citizens and transformed into an agricultural center. During the New Sith Wars, the Chagras Hegemony, a splinter faction of the New Sith Empire, invaded and occupied the planet. Following the death of Chagras, a Sith Lord, his nephew Daiman took control of the planet as the ruler of the Daimanate princedom. After discovering the abundance of baradium, Daiman initiated strip-mining operations that devastated the local environment and displaced the inhabitants. Many residents were also relocated to work and fight on the frontiers.
Gorlan Palladane, a former Jedi Knight turned miner, established contact with the Jedi Order, acting as an informant and assisting in the planning of a military strike against Daiman's holdings on Chelloa. As the leader of the Chelloan resistance, he sought to support the Republic and Jedi against the Sith by providing crucial intelligence. He used a transmitter created by Skodo, a Rodian mechanic, to communicate with the Order. However, the transmissions were intercepted by Odion, a rival Sith Lord and ruler of the Odionate. A Jedi team, led by Jedi Master Vannar Treece, launched Operation Influx, destroying several of Daiman's cargo liners and raiding the spaceport.
However, their operations were disrupted by the arrival of Odion, who deployed a kinetic corruptor that obliterated a significant portion of Squatter's Hill, resulting in the deaths of numerous slaves and soldiers. The entire Jedi strike team, except for Kerra Holt, was killed. Holt was rescued by Palladane, who managed to evacuate some survivors onto a cargo liner. Upon arriving in Jenith, they encountered Daiman, who showed little concern for his people but was preoccupied with countering Odion's actions.

As part of his grand strategy to defeat Odion, Daiman imported ten additional kinetic corruptors disguised as mobile munitions complexes and a fleet of transports, misleading his enemies into believing he was expanding baradium mining. His plan was to lure Odion into landing an invasion force on Chelloa, where they would be trapped and annihilated by the kinetic corruptors, along with all life on the planet. Suspecting an intelligence leak, he captured and tortured Skodo to death. His forces also replaced the transmitter with one of his own, to monitor any accomplices.
When Kerra Holt attempted to assassinate Daiman, he manipulated her into believing that Odion posed a greater threat with his mobile factory, The Spike, which produced more kinetic corruptors. Holt then confronted Odion during a space duel, leaking information about Daiman's expanded baradium operations. Meanwhile, Daiman's troops apprehended Palladane after he tried to communicate with Odion, attempting to save Chelloa by revealing that there were no more baradium mines.
Palladane was tortured by Daiman, who retaliated to the intelligence leak by ordering a planet-wide crackdown, including the destruction of Jenith. However, Holt rescued Palladane, along with his family and several Chelloa citizens, including village leaders. They fled to Arboth, where they had a safehouse. While scouting Arboth's spaceport, Holt discovered that the transports carrying the workers were empty. Determined to escape Daimanate oppression, Holt and Palladane prepared to evacuate Chelloa's remaining population of 60,000. Chelloan resistance operatives, led by the two Jedi Knights, hijacked several empty transports in Arboth spaceport, creating the makeshift Freedom Fleet. During the fighting with Daimanite forces, Palladane was killed; however, Holt succeeded in evacuating most of Chelloa's remaining population.
Meanwhile, Odion's Lightning Guard landed at the site of the mobile munitions complex, overwhelming the token Daimanite resistance only to realize they had walked into a trap. The ten kinetic corruptors decimated much of the Odionate invasion force, incinerating Chelloa's surface and rendering it uninhabitable. Daiman's forces also escaped offworld. Odion survived the battle, but sustained severe injuries during the blast.