
Jenith, situated on the planet of Chelloa, functioned as a mining community. Its existence falls within the historical period of the Republic Dark Age, specifically in the year 1032 BBY. Like the rest of Chelloa, Jenith was under the dominion of Daiman, a Sith Lord who governed what remained of the Chagras Hegemony, then known as the Daimanate. The town experienced significant destruction during Operation Influx, when it was targeted in a raid by a Jedi task force, and was further devastated by an attack from Odion's military units. The settlement had a population of 60,000 individuals in 1032 BBY.

Due to his self-centered worldview, where he saw himself as a creator, Daiman considered the people of Jenith to be expendable. Gorlan Palladane was the leader of Jenith, representing the interests of the enslaved labor force. As retribution for Palladane's actions of hiding the Jedi Knight Kerra Holt and providing Odion with intelligence regarding Daiman's baradium activities, Daiman's military forces engaged in widespread looting and arson across Jenith. Nevertheless, Holt intervened, liberating Palladane from Daiman's alpine compound and initiating plans for the populace's departure.

