Jenith Spaceport During the era known as the Republic Dark Age, the city of Jenith on the world of Chelloa was served by Jenith Spaceport. Daiman utilized this spaceport, which was protected by a contingent of Daimanate Sith troopers. Among its functions, the spaceport facilitated the loading and unloading of materials such as baradium onto cargo liners. In addition to numerous storage areas, the South Work Yard was also a component of the spaceport.
In 1032 BBY, Jedi forces, commanded by Jedi Master Vannar Treece, raided the spaceport as part of the second stage of Operation Influx. Despite the use of a kinetic corruptor by Sith Lord Odion, the spaceport sustained only minor damage. It was later repurposed to conceal a fleet of transport vessels and kinetic corruptors, disguised as mobile munitions complexes. Ultimately, the spaceport met its end during the Destruction of Chelloa, but only after the Freedom Fleet had managed to escape from the planet.