The Freedom Fleet represents a quickly put-together collection of transport starships. It was established in 1032 BBY by the Jedi Kerra Holt. In conjunction with Jedi Gorlan Palladane and those who supported him, Kerra Holt commandeered multiple Daimanate freighters. This hijacking was done to facilitate their escape from Chelloa before its destruction. The Sith Lord [Daiman] (/article/daiman) utilized kinetic corruptors to obliterate Chelloa. He did this by setting off the unstable baradium shale deposits located underneath the planet's surface. This action was part of a scheme to ensnare and eliminate his adversary, Lord Odion, who governed the Odionate Sith territory. They were successful in getting approximately 60,000 Chelloan citizens and enslaved people off-world and made their way towards Republic-controlled territories.