Capture of Devil Squadron

The Seizure of Devil Squadron occurred during a quick starfighter skirmish within the Aquilaris Minor system during the short-lived Aquilaris campaign of 1032 BBY. This engagement saw the complete capture of Devil Squadron, a pro-Republic fighter group belonging to Grace Command. This squadron was covertly distributing Deluge spice under the pretense of providing humanitarian relief operations in territories controlled by the Sith. Zodoh skillfully tricked his Republic adversaries into an ambush, resulting in the entire squadron's capture, with the exception of Jedi Knight Kerra Holt. The Hutt accomplished this by using the [Voracious], his flagship, to forcefully pull the surviving starfighters into its hangar via its tractor beam emitters. Subsequently, the Squadron's Captain, Jenn Devaad, was compelled to gather the remaining Deluge shipments on Aquilaris in exchange for the safe return of her squadron. This victory eliminated all opposition to Zodoh in the system, enabling him to deploy his flood-inducing Stormdrivers on Aquilaris.



Devil Squadron on Aquilaris

After the Battle of Capital Cay, the planet Aquilaris, then occupied by the Sith Daimanate, was brought under control by Devil Squadron, a fighter group associated with the Republic's Grace Command. The squadron began to distribute necessities like food and medication, while also evacuating Deluge spice addicts aboard the transport vessel Mother Grace. However, this humanitarian assistance was actually a front for Operation Deluge, which aimed to flood Sith-controlled regions with Deluge spice in an attempt to weaken the Sith war effort. As a result, many local societies were thrown into disarray as addiction rates soared. The plan was that if Aquilaris were to be retaken by any of the warring Sith factions, any stationed Sith forces would be affected by the drug. By 1032 BBY, a significant portion of Lord Daiman's military personnel had become addicted to Deluge.

In parallel, the Hutt crime lord Zodoh harbored sinister plans for Aquilaris. Utilizing atmospheric data gathered by a [Stormdriver](/article/stormdriver] ship, the Hutt crime lord decided to deploy his fleet of Stormdrivers on Aquilaris. These Stormdrivers possessed cutting-edge vaporators designed to extract moisture from the atmosphere and use it to generate artificial floods and storms. Zodoh's expansionist goals included flooding Aquilaris to strong-arm the local Sith Lords in the Grumani sector into becoming his commercial clients.

Unaware of the agendas of either side, Jedi Knight Kerra Holt joined Devil Squadron to obtain her own personal Fire Lotus-class starfighter, known as Devil Seven. This was made possible because the original pilot Yades had been reassigned for flight duty aboard Mother Grace. Her intention was to aid her Republic allies in countering Sith influence throughout the Sector. Having completed their mission, Devil Squadron departed Aquilaris. They initially escorted Mother Grace to a hyperspace jump-point located in the Aquilaris Minor system. Their next objective was to travel to Heptooine to engage the forces of Sith Lord Malakite. However, they were unaware that Zodoh was aware of their movements and had devised a trap for them.


Fire Lotus starfighters pursuing Zodoh's Infiltrator

Immediately after Mother Grace entered hyperspace, Devil Squadron spotted a Hutt Intruder-class starfighter, which Captain Jenn Devaad immediately recognized as Zodoh's personal vessel. Jenn and her comrades in Devil Squadron had suffered five years of captivity under Zodoh's control following a disastrous Republic Navy mission to Daalang. Devil Squadron was the only group of survivors from this fiasco and had vowed to avenge the mistreatment they suffered at Zodoh's hands. Despite Kerra Holt's warnings, a vengeful Jenn Devaad led her squadron in a relentless pursuit of Zodoh's starfighter through an asteroid field. Kerra Holt's suspicions that Zodoh was luring them into a trap were confirmed when the squadron encountered Zodoh's starfighter carrier and flagship—Voracious.

Over the intercomm, Zodoh mocked his adversaries and instructed the Voracious to deploy all squadrons. Despite being outnumbered and outgunned by the Hutt fleet, the superior Fire Lotus starfighters proved more capable than their inferior Intruder counterparts in aerial combat. Despite Jenn's optimism that they had thwarted Zodoh's trap, Kerra disagreed, suggesting that he had another plan yet to be revealed. Eventually, Jenn agreed with Kerra's assessment and ordered her starfighters to disengage and jump into hyperspace. This order was interrupted by the arrival of a large fleet of Stormdrivers, which emerged from hyperspace, trapping Devil Squadron between the massive starfighter carrier and a fleet of enemy warships.

The Fire Lotus starfighters were unable to penetrate the Stormdrivers' hulls due to their deflector shields. Furthermore, their laser cannon defense systems were designed for flight configuration. Within minutes, several Republic starfighters, including Devil Eight, were shot down. During the dogfight, Kerra and Jenn argued over the intercomm system. Recognizing that Zodoh had successfully baited them into a trap, Kerra urged immediate disengagement to Aquilaris to begin evacuating the population to higher ground. Jenn disagreed, citing the lack of cargo transports and instead advocating continuing her personal mission to shoot down Zodoh's starfighter. Jenn also dismissed the Aquilarians as undeserving of help due to their unwillingness to help themselves. Unable to resolve their differences, Kerra disengaged her starfighter and returned to Aquilaris.

An enraged Jenn ordered Vahss to disable Kerra's computer and bring her back. However, Vahss's starfighter was destroyed by a wave of Intruder starfighters emerging from the Voracious. Zodoh was able to intercept their conversations over the intercomm and taunted his Republic opponent. He then ordered the Voracious to activate its tractor beam projector. All the remaining starfighters of Devil Squadron were ensnared and pulled into one of the starfighter carrier's hangar bays. There, they were disarmed and taken captive by a gloating Zodoh, who was pleased to reclaim his escaped slaves. The only survivor was Kerra Holt, who landed back in Capital Cay and began organizing a hasty evacuation effort to reach higher ground.


Fleet of Stormdrivers exiting hyperspace

The captured Devil Squadron crew were subjected to interrogation and torture aboard the Voracious by Zodoh's entourage. Jenn herself was brought to Zodoh's command deck, where he successfully coerced her into his service by threatening to torture her crew. In exchange for the safe release of her crew, he ordered her to retrieve the remaining supplies of Deluge spice on Aquilaris. With this small sample, Zodoh intended to synthesize his own stock of Deluge. His plan was to distribute food supplies laced with Deluge throughout the Grumani Sector to weaken resistance to his rule. Jenn complied and was provided with a shuttle to transport the Deluge containers. Meanwhile, the orbiting fleet of Stormdrivers blockaded Aquilaris without any opposition.

Kerra successfully organized an evacuation effort and subsequently discovered the existence of Operation Deluge. She confronted Jenn and attempted to persuade her to assist her evacuation efforts, warning her that Zodoh could not be trusted. However, Jenn was determined to save her crew and dismissed the Aquilarians as unworthy of assistance due to their unwillingness to help themselves. Unable to reconcile, the two parted ways, with Jenn departing on her shuttle to Zodoh's flagship. Meanwhile, the Stormdriver fleet unleashed a global deluge of rain and floods. Within hours, much of Aquilaris was flooded due to its flat terrain and the fact that a large portion of its surface was covered in oceans.

Many deaths were only averted through the efforts of Kerra, Padgett and Joad Kreel to evacuate thousands of Aquilarians to the safety of underwater Harvester stations. The Stormdrivers' global deluge was also disrupted by a series of explosions on the Voracious set off by Jenn during her escape attempt. While Jenn had kept her word, Zodoh double-crossed her by murdering her crew. However, the Republic captain had anticipated this and had rigged the Deluge containers with explosives. In retaliation, she detonated the spice containers, which killed several of Zodoh's entourage and disrupted the large data processing center coordinating the Stormdriver fleet. Undeterred, Zodoh was still impressed by the effectiveness of the Stormdrivers and decided to unleash them on Darkknell, the capital of Sith Lord Daiman's princedom. Jenn subsequently escaped the Voracious on a twin-seater starfighter and reunited with Kerra, revealing to her Zodoh's plans to flood Darkknell. The two women then departed on their starfighter for a climatic confrontation with Zodoh on Darkknell.

Behind the scenes

The Capture of Devil Squadron was conceived as part of the narrative sequence within the Deluge story arc of the Star Wars: Knight Errant comic series. It was featured in both Knight Errant: Deluge 2 and Knight Errant: Deluge 3, which were released on September 21 and October 19 2012, respectively. The story's plot was crafted by John Jackson Miller, who has contributed to numerous Star Wars Expanded Universe projects.

