Knight Errant: Deluge #2 represents the second installment of the Deluge story arc found within the Star Wars: Knight Errant comic book series, penned by the author John Jackson Miller.
Responding to a call for help, Jedi Knight Kerra Holt has made her way back to her home planet, which is controlled by the Sith. Her mission: to free as many enslaved individuals as she can, using only a single shuttle. Unexpectedly, she encounters a squadron of Republic starfighters! With the assistance of the Devil Squadron, Kerra gains the ability to launch an offensive, potentially giving the entire planet a shot at freedom!
However, the Devils are more than meets the eye. A devious Hutt, driven by a sinister scheme, is infiltrating the planet, and the Sith Lord Daiman is only beginning to realize the events unfolding on his world!
Acting on a distress signal, Kerra Holt, the Jedi Knight, returns to Aquilaris Minor, her home planet. She discovers that the Hutt crime boss Zodoh is attacking it. Just in time, Devil Squadron, a starfighter group linked to Grace Command, the Alderaanian relief organization, and led by Captain Jenn Devaad, saves Kerra and the locals of Aquilaris. Daiman, the Sith Lord, instructed his forces on Aquilaris not to give up on Vellas Pavo. Nevertheless, Devil Squadron eliminated all Sith opposition. Kerra also took part in this operation, piloting a Fire Lotus-class starfighter borrowed from Devil Squadron and destroying a Daimanate starfighter. Following the conflict, Grace Command started providing Aquilarians with food and medical aid, and Kerra assisted in the relief efforts. Kerra also formed a strong bond with Captain Jenn and learned more about Grace Command's humanitarian missions. By providing a military presence in Sith Space, Devil Squadron collaborated with Grace Command, enabling it to deliver aid to struggling planets.
Grace Command organized the evacuation of several serious cases on the transport Mother Grace to Alderaan, where Grace Command is headquartered, in response to the Deluge addiction epidemic. Devil Squadron also handed out time-locked food containers that would only unlock after they had left. Joad Kreel, Kerra's childhood friend who had become a spice addict, was one of the recipients. Kerra also secured a position in Devil Squadron, as Yades, one of the pilots, was rotating with the transport crew. While Jenn is happy to have Kerra on board, some of her crew, especially Vahss, voiced worries that Kerra would learn their secrets. Jenn, however, assured them that Kerra, being a "product" of Vannar Treece, would be too focused on the mission to notice anything suspicious and that she would never need to know the truth. Joad, however, overhears their conversation and tries to warn Kerra, but she believes he is still under the influence of the spice.
Devil Squadron escorted Mother Grace to its hyperspace jump point before encountering Zodoh's Intruder-class starfighter, which led them on a chaotic chase. Despite Kerra's warnings, Jenn sought vengeance on Zodoh for the terrible treatment she and her crew had endured while being held captive by the Hutt. Devil Squadron is ambushed and attacked by Zodoh's fighter-carrier Voracious and Intruder starfighters as a result. At that point, a fleet of Stormdrivers emerged from hyperspace, and Zodoh used the intercom to announce his intention to create an artificial global flood on Aquilaris Minor. Zodoh also bragged about his plans to use the Stormdrivers to flood his Sith rivals' planets in order to subdue them.