Star Wars: Knight Errant was a comic book series taking place in the Old Republic. The setting for this series is the Republic Dark Age, which was the final century of the New Sith Wars. The story of Knight Errant follows the exploits of Kerra Holt, a young female Jedi, within the Sith-dominated Grumani sector. A significant portion of the comic's narrative explores the various Sith warlords who established their own small kingdoms across the Galaxy during the Republic Dark Age. This narrative element was initially presented in The New Essential Chronology, a 2005 reference book by Daniel Wallace.
In July of 2012, Randy Stradley made an announcement on the Dark Horse forums indicating that the series would conclude after its third story arc.
Following his work on the successful Mass Effect: Redemption and the compelling conclusion of Knights of the Old Republic, writer John Jackson Miller introduces Kerra Holt. She is a young Jedi about to discover that her role in the galaxy is far more important, and significantly different, than she ever thought possible.
Set a millennium before Episode I, during the "Dark Age of the Republic," this story unfolds in a time when the Sith were numerous and the Republic was on the verge of collapse. This left large sections of the galaxy without aid. This crucial period in Star Wars history has remained largely unexplored, until now.
Furthermore, for the first time, the writer of this new comic series will also be writing a novel for Del Rey Books. It will be set in the same era and feature the same characters in a brand-new adventure. This will be a unique occurrence for Star Wars, offering fans a completely fresh perspective on the galaxy.
"The galaxy is filled with wonderful chaos during this time," said writer John Jackson Miller. "More than a generation before Darth Bane established the Rule of Two, Sith Lords are clashing not only with the Republic but also with each other. Kerra will learn that good intentions might not be enough in a galaxy that has gone mad! This is an expansive area to explore, and I'm excited that Dark Horse and Del Rey have provided me with this opportunity."
"With John writing both the comics and the novel, Knight Errant will present a Star Wars story on an unprecedented scale," said comic-series editor Dave Marshall. "This is a groundbreaking opportunity to introduce the Expanded Universe of the Dark Horse comics to the fans of the Del Rey novels, and vice versa!"
Before writing the second arc, "Deluge," John Jackson Miller originally planned to title the comic's second story arc "Colossus," which would have depicted Kerra Holt assisting the Anx species.
MTV interview with John Jackson Miller on ( July 7 , 2010 ) (content is now outdated; archived from the original on July 10, 2010)
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