Devil Seven was a Fire Lotus-class starfighter piloted by Yades, a starfighter pilot from the Grace Command, throughout the Republic Dark Age. Because Yades was on duty rotation aboard the transport Mother Grace, Captain Jenn Devaad loaned the starfighter to Jedi Knight Kerra Holt amidst the Aquilaris campaign. The starfighter then participated in both the capture of Devil Squadron and the Great Aquilaris Deluge.
Its resilient operating systems allowed it to survive being entirely underwater during the flood, rendering it flood-resistant. After the Battle of Darkknell, Jenn gifted the starfighter to Kerra, who then utilized it to sneak into the Daimanate foundry world Tergamenion. There, she made contact with Sith Lord Daiman. Though they were adversaries, the pair made a temporary alliance to eliminate Odion, a rival Sith Lord. Subsequently, Kerra journeyed to the Odionate in Devil Seven and infiltrated the Novitiates, the Force-sensitive dark-side followers of Odion.