Tergamenion, a planet situated within the Grumani sector of the Outer Rim Territories, existed as a darkworld. During the era known as the Republic’s Dark Age, it functioned as a key operational hub for the Daimanite military industrial organization.

During the Second Charge Matrica period of the Republic Dark Age, the world was governed by Daiman, a Sith Lord. Information gathered by Republic Intelligence indicated that Tergamenion housed research and manufacturing facilities. These facilities were dedicated to producing night-vision technologies and sophisticated targeting systems for use by the Daimanite military.
Shortly before the Jedi-led Operation Influx in 1032 BBY, Jedi Master Vannar Treece provided a brief description of the planet in a report to Supreme Chancellor Genarra of the Republic. Treece emphasized the critical role of Tergamenion's facilities in supporting the Daimanite war effort. However, he also noted that its remote location made a Republic strike impractical.
Approximately six weeks following Genarra's receipt of this report, Ayanos Bactra, a Sith Lord, established an arxeum – a mobile institution devoted to war-related sciences – in close proximity to Tergamenion. He proposed offering this institution to Daiman in exchange for guaranteed safe passage through Daiman's territory to enable an attack on Vellas Pavo. Daiman accepted the offer, but he selected a site near Gazzari for the facility's location.
Later in the same year, in the aftermath of the Aquilaris campaign, Jedi Knight Kerra Holt journeyed to Tergamenion. There, she engaged with Daiman, seeking his assistance in defeating Sith Lord Odion and in obtaining information concerning her parents, Aron and Mercia Holt. With Daiman's help, Kerra adopted the guise of a slave named 'Mercy'. She then made contact with Wayman, an undercover Claimer who served Odion as a recruitment agent. Subsequently, Kerra successfully infiltrated the Odionate organization and joined the Novitiates, an elite corps of darksiders who served Odion. Furthermore, she learned about Project Pandemonium, a research endeavor focused on locating the Helm of Ieldis (an ancient Sith artifact with the power to incite murderous rage in sentient beings).