An Alliance recruiter.
Agents of Recruitment functioned as members of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, tasked with locating individuals who stood against the Galactic Empire and persuading them to join the cause of the Rebellion. Given that any potential recruit could turn out to be an Imperial spy, this role carried significant risk. Sooner or later, even a highly skilled recruiter would inevitably make contact with the wrong person after operating in the field for a while.
The Rebel Alliance drew its personnel from a variety of places. Those joining the many Sector Forces were often brought in by friends or family already part of the SecForce's clandestine networks. Because these recruits were vouched for by someone with personal knowledge of them, the likelihood of them being Imperial agents was greatly reduced. Other Rebel members were recruited in large numbers from planets whose governments openly or secretly backed the Alliance, such as Mon Calamari, or the various Rebel safe worlds. Furthermore, many Alderaanians who survived the destruction of Alderaan enlisted in the Rebellion. However, these channels were insufficient, particularly during the initial stages of the Galactic Civil War. Consequently, recruitment agents were essential to expanding the Alliance's numbers.
Rebel agents seeking new members targeted various locations such as schools, universities, and even the Imperial Naval Academy. They also sought out dissatisfied personnel from the Imperial Survey Corps, young individuals attempting to evade the Imperial draft, and even figures from the galaxy's criminal underworld.
On numerous planets, a reward of 10,000 credits was offered for turning in a recruitment agent to Imperial authorities. However, capture or death wasn't the worst fate that could befall a recruitment agent making an error in judgement. The Empire had a history of using double agents to infiltrate known recruiters, leading to devastating consequences for numerous Rebel outposts. Nevertheless, the Alliance was successful in identifying many of these double agents during training. Moreover, widespread discontent with the Empire, coupled with the Alliance's growing legitimacy as the Rebellion progressed, helped their cause. The Battle of Yavin is credited with boosting Rebel recruitment by 23 percent.
- Soth Petikkin [1]
- Greg Somax (served in a capacity similar to a recruitment agent, though designated as a "special agent.")
- Tay "Tiree" Vanis
- The Rebel Alliance Sourcebook
- Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from the Rim (The first instance of identifying the role of Recruitment Agent)
- " Cracken's Rebel Operatives " — Star Wars Adventure Journal 11
- Star Wars Customizable Card Game — Special Edition Limited (Card: Soth Petikkin) (backup link)
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
- Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game — Squadrons Over Corellia (Card: Rebel Recruiter) (backup link)
- Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Core Rulebook
- Strongholds of Resistance