A Claimer was a designation given to certain servants of the Odionate Sith realm during the New Sith Wars era, measured in standard years. Their mission involved seeking out individuals who had come to terms with the concept of oblivion and no longer held any regard for their own survival or death, mirroring the mindset of their leader, the Sith Lord Odion. Claimers actively sought out these individuals, even within enemy territories, to identify those who desired to end their existence on their own terms. Consequently, Claimers were tasked with locating individuals who embraced death as a solution, subsequently recruiting them into Odion's service.
During the New Sith Wars period, Wayman functioned as a Claimer and journeyed to the planet Tergamenion, a world under the control of the Sith Daiman. On this world, the Claimer adopted the guise of a Sith trooper. He intervened to rescue a Daimanate citizen, who was, in fact, the Jedi Kerra Holt in disguise. Wayman then tried to persuade the disguised Holt to join Odion's forces before leaving.
The Claimers were featured in the Escape story arc of the Star Wars: Knight Errant comic series, authored by John Jackson Miller. Miller stated that the Claimers' role was analogous to that of the valkyries found in Norse mythology.