During the New Sith Wars, a human male named Wayman pledged his allegiance to the Sith Lord Odion. As a member of the Novitiates, an exclusive group of Force-sensitive individuals, he stood at the forefront of Odion's Sith Order. Furthermore, Wayman functioned as a Claimer, tasked with the responsibility of infiltrating enemy territories and enlisting other Force-sensitive individuals into Odion's Sith organization. In 1032 BBY, his mission led him to the foundry world of Tergamenion, where he successfully recruited a young woman known as "Mercy." Unbeknownst to him, "Mercy" was actually Jedi Knight Kerra Holt, who sought to infiltrate the Odionate and exact revenge on Lord Odion.
During the era known as the Republic Dark Age, Wayman was a prominent devotee of Sith Lord Odion's philosophy of nihilism. His role as a Claimer involved the recruitment of individuals who, like his Master, had embraced the concept of the end and nothingness. Wayman actively sought out such individuals, even within enemy territories, identifying those who desired to end their lives on their own terms. Claimers, therefore, sought out those who embraced death as their answer and brought them into Odion's service. One particular mission brought him to Tergamenion, a foundry world situated within the principality of rival Sith Lord Daiman, known as the Daimanate. He infiltrated Daiman's Sith troopers corps and utilized a speeder bike. Meanwhile, Daiman had acquired intelligence regarding Wayman's presence but chose not to apprehend him, intending to use him as part of a larger scheme against his estranged brother, Odion. Instead, he arranged for Kerra to contact Wayman under the guise of a suicidal factory worker named "Mercy."
According to the plan, "Mercy" leaped from a tall building within Wayman's patrol area. As intended, Wayman intercepted her mid-air on his speeder bike. Wayman then apprehended her, and Kerra feigned an attempt to commit suicide with a blaster, thus pretending to embrace death and nothingness. Sensing potential in the Force-sensitive young woman, Wayman disarmed "Mercy" and subsequently used her thumbprint to alter her records in the worker database, marking her as deceased. Wayman successfully recruited "Mercy" by appealing to her supposed desire to avenge the deaths of her family at Daiman's hands. He offered to train her as a dark side-using Novitiate. As a test of her abilities and enthusiasm, he instructed her to make her own way to Odion but provided her with a signaling device to use upon arrival at her destination. "Mercy" complied, and he departed on his speeder bike.

After a quick conversation with a holographic statue of Daiman, "Mercy" traveled in her Fire Lotus-class starfighter to the Daimanate, where she became a Novitiate and was assigned to a mission on Skarpos, part of Sith Lord Malakite's territory called the Menagerie. During the Battle of Skarpos, the Odionate forces suffered significant losses when several Novitiates and Thunder Guard members were killed in a tar pit ambush by Malakite's Mutates, individuals subjected to Sith alchemical experiments that warped their minds and bodies. Wayman intervened when "Mercy's" commanding officer Beld Yulan scolded her for not wanting to die in battle. She had tried to prevent several Thunder Guardsmen and Sith acolytes from entering a trap and had even cared for a wounded acolyte. These actions angered Yulan, who viewed them as going against his master's teachings. In response, Wayman stepped in and criticized Yulan's suicide wave tactics for contributing to high casualty rates among Odion's forces. He supported "Mercy," saying he had high hopes for her but advised her to follow Yulan's orders in the future because of his higher rank in Odion's organization.
He then told "Mercy" and the other surviving Novitiates that Lord Odion had reassigned "Mercy's" team to recover the Helm of Ieldis. Wayman instructed Yulan's fleet to meet Odion at his new capital, Jubalene, which used to be part of the defeated Bactranate. Yulan mentioned that he would arrive there but first needed to stop at Vanahame to restock his arms supplies. "Mercy" then asked Wayman if Jubalene had any data centers, pretending to be enthusiastic about learning Odion's teachings. Wayman confirmed that it did, praising her dedication. At Jubalene, he and "Mercy" were with Odion during a fight between three Duros bankers and a rancor. The Duros had been tricked into adopting Odion's nihilistic teachings and believed they could embrace death by fighting a fully-grown rancor. With Odion encouraging them "to end the pain," the three bankers became enraged and attacked the rancor with spears. However, their efforts were useless, and they were eaten by the beast in front of a satisfied Odion, who commented that even Lord Bactra's bankers could be used for his own purposes when motivated correctly.
Odion also added that he enjoyed the deaths of people who had willingly embraced death because it strengthened the dark side. He also expressed his annoyance towards life energies that shone through the light side of the Force. While other Sith could tolerate it, he tried to block it and saw death as a relief. Odion explained that he could turn despair into a desire for destruction. As an example, the Sith Lord attributed the Duros' rage to the pain and despair coming from the millions of workers in Jubalene's military forge. Wayman showed interest in Odion's "rediscovery" and asked if anyone could use it. Odion replied that only those with the same "affliction" as him could tap into this destructive energy.

Wayman was also there when Odion discussed his plans to restart Project Pandemonium, which aimed to recover the ancient Sith war relic, the Helm of Ieldis. Lord Ieldis was a Sith Lord who lived before the Great Hyperspace War and had created the helm to turn sentient beings into mindless killers. The trail last ended at Sarrassia, and the project was stopped because the planet was part of the Bactranate, a rival Sith domain. With the Bactranate annexed, Odion revealed his plans to invade Sarrassia and reclaim the relic. Wayman's team, including Kerra, was assigned to continue the research where the trail ended, starting with the material in his data center at Jubalene. At that moment, Odion sensed a familiar presence in the room but couldn't identify who it was.
However, Kerra avoided further detection with the arrival of Yulan, who had returned from Vanahame rearmed and ready for the invasion of Sarrassia. While Odion and Yulan left to watch several of Bactra's former attorneys fighting a gundark at the arena, Wayman confided in Mercy about his discomfort that Odion favored Yulan and kept him alive. He also said that he sensed a great emptiness in the force coming from Odion's spirit. Wayman then left for the arena, leaving Kerra alone with the computer. She used that brief moment of privacy to access information that confirmed her parents, Aron Holt and Mercia Holt, had been captured by the Sith and forced into Project Pandemonium.
Unbeknownst to Kerra, Odion and Wayman both knew her true identity. Wayman secretly watched Kerra as she accessed the records on Project Pandemonium at Jubalene to search for her parents. They realized her connection and decided to let her search for the Helm. Kerra's travels took her to Sarrassia, where she learned that the Helm of Ieldis was located on Skarpos and that planet had been her parents' last known location. During the Second Battle of Skarpos, Odion's forces were attacked by rival Sith Lords Malakite and Daiman, Odion's estranged younger brother, who also wanted the Helm for himself. Wayman accompanied his master to Skarpos on a shuttle, where they landed on top of the Morbollon Mesa.
Odion put on a jetpack and entered the Mesa's network of underground tunnels and caves. He found the Grumani temple chamber that contained the Helm. Years earlier, Kerra's parents, Aron and Mercia, had exploded the cave in a final attempt to deny the Helm to any Sith Lords, killing themselves in the process. However, the Helm was a Sith artifact and survived the explosion. Odion recovered the Helm and then captured Kerra, who was incapacitated with Force lightning and bound in restraints. At the top of the mesa, Kerra was reunited with Wayman, who commented that he was right to have high hopes for her.
Wayman praised Kerra for leading Odion to the exact location of the Helm, adding that his Master was able to sense the Helm's presence in the Force immediately. While part of the chamber ceiling had collapsed, the Helm had been unharmed because it was a Sith artifact imbued with the powers of the Dark Side. Meanwhile, Yulan and his soldiers searched the chamber and found the crushed skeletal remains of two Human beings. A necklace and holorecorder were also found, and the necklace was used to confirm the identities of the deceased as Aron and Mercia Holt, Kerra's late parents. Upon learning about the deaths of her parents, Kerra fell into a state of grief.

Odion used Kerra's grief to activate the Helm of Ieldis and unleashed its dark side powers on the three Sith armies below, wiping them out completely. Only their commanders, Daiman and Malakite, managed to escape the bloodshed. After the battle, Wayman presumably accompanied Odion and Yulan on the warship Gravedigger, which traveled to Vanahame, where Odion intended to test the Helm on the captive orphans at the planet's cloister, part of a large system of planet-sized orphanages where all the children within the Odionate were brainwashed into becoming obedient workers and soldiers for Odion's war effort. Satisfied with his successful test on Skarpos, Odion planned to replicate its results on a large scale.
Odion planned to use the Helm of Ieldis to convert the negative emotions of the Vanahame children and unleash a Force-induced homicidal frenzy on the Grumani sector. He intended to kill all his Sith rivals, especially his estranged brother Daiman, while causing an apocalypse that would end all life in the galaxy. Odion hoped to become the only sentient being in the entire universe, the king of a graveyard. Before activating the Helm, Odion ordered Wayman to activate a series of live feeds from locations throughout the Grumani sector, which would then be broadcast onto holoscreens in Odion's throneroom on Vanahame.
Odion and his disciples would then be able to watch the effects of the Helm within the wider Odionate. Wayman was present when Kerra was brought into the chamber and bound to a frame, where she would be forced to watch the entire ordeal. Odion ordered the cloister operators to turn off all the lights in the cloister for the first time, plunging it into complete darkness and creating panic and fear among the child captives. Odion was then able to activate the Helm and unleash it on the Grumani sector with devastating results. Odion also incited his Novitiates into a homicidal frenzy, with Wayman fighting several of his fellow Novitiates with lightsabers while under the influence of this Force-induced hysteria.
Kerra managed to break free and activate a lightsaber, intending to confront Odion. However, Wayman dueled with her and tried to force her to give up. When she refused, Wayman punched her in the chin, knocking her to the ground. But before he could deliver a killing blow with his lightsaber, the Force-induced homicidal frenzy created by the Helm suddenly disappeared. Earlier, Kerra had successfully convinced Odion's second-in-command, Yulan, to turn against his master's nihilistic ambitions by emphasizing the importance of the children's lives. The feelings of fear and despair were immediately replaced by feelings of relief and joy as the orphans had their lights restored and were freed from their captivity.
In the resulting chaos, Wayman was distracted by his master's situation and was then stabbed and impaled through his torso by Kerra's lightsaber. Following Wayman's death, Odion himself was killed after the Helm overloaded and burned him to death. With the deaths of Odion and all his Novitiates on Vanahame, the Odionate collapsed and was divided among the rival Sith Lords in the Calimondra family.