These three Duros financiers from Jubalene existed during the era of the Republic Dark Age. In the year 1032 BBY, the principality controlled by Sith Lord Odion captured them during an invasion of the Bactranate. Subsequently, they were tricked into accepting Odion's doctrines that promoted embracing mortality and participated in a frenzied assault on a rancor, resulting in their demise.
These three Duros functioned as financial professionals within the Bactranate, a remnant Sith state governed by Sith Lord Ayanos Bactra. In 1032 BBY, the Sith Lords Daiman and Odion conquered and absorbed the Bactranate. Odion's forces captured these three Duros and relocated them to Jubalene, a desolate foundry world within the Odionate and temporary capital for Odion, to serve as enslaved laborers. In an attempt to break free from their confinement, they subscribed to Odion's pessimistic faith, which emphasized the acceptance of death, and either volunteered or were compelled to engage in combat with a rancor within an arena.
For this contest, the trio were outfitted with minimal attire consisting of loincloths, cloaks, and puttees, leaving much of their bodies exposed. They were also provided with rudimentary spears as weapons. Upon facing the rancor, one of the Duros voiced his apprehension to Odion, stating that they were bankers, not warriors. Odion dismissed their lack of conviction, asserting that their perceived identities were mere illusions, and instructed them to "end the pain." Echoing Odion's words, the three Duros succumbed to a fit of uncontrollable rage. Driven by desperation, they charged at the rancor, only to be slain and devoured alive while Odion watched with satisfaction.
Odion derived his dark side abilities from the acceptance of death by other conscious beings. He conveyed to his Novitiates, including a disguised Kerra Holt, that individuals, when properly motivated, were willing to embrace mortality. He speculated that their berserker fury was fueled by the suffering and despair of the millions of enslaved workers within Jubalene's war forges. Later on, Odion and his general Beld Yulan made a return to the same arena to observe several of Bactra's former accountants confronting a gundark armed solely with datapads.