Industrial Heuristics, a corporation, provided services to Ayanos Bactra, the Sith Lord from Quermia, during the time of the Republic Dark Age.
The creation of arxeums, enormous mobile learning centers focused on military science, was the responsibility of Industrial Heuristics. Furthermore, the Sith territory known as the Daimanate, which was under the dominion of Daiman, the Human Sith Lord, granted the business the authority to conduct recruiting activities within its borders.
Daiman struck an agreement with Bactra in 1032 BBY to obtain his own arxeum. Bactra supervised the arxeum's transportation to Gazzari in return for secure passage to attack Vellas Pavo. Following a battle that occurred there, Daiman and his sibling Odion seized Bactra's possessions on the orders of their grandmother, Vilia Calimondra. Calimondra transferred ownership of Industrial Heuristics to Daiman and compelled Odion, who had captured Jutrand, the former capital of Bactra, to permit the company to leave that planet.