
A Corrector functioned as a high-ranking officer in the domain of Sith Lord Daiman. These Correctors were dedicated Daimanite Sith adepts who possessed the Force-sensitive ability, tasked with upholding the law and imposing the Sith Lord's warped ideology throughout Daiman's controlled regions.


They wielded lightsabers during engagements and were notorious for attacking elements of Daiman's "creation" that were considered "flawed." A prime instance of this involved "correcting" individuals who had the audacity to mock "the creator of all's" "eyes", Knel'char II and III, especially when the alignment of the stars made Daiman appear to have crossed eyes.

Behind the scenes

The concept of Correctors was initially introduced as a key element in Knight Errant, a standalone novel authored by John Jackson Miller. In an email, Miller verified that the Correctors operated independently from the Daimanate Sith troopers, characterizing them as Lord Daiman's counterparts to the Jedi and religious figures.

