Knight Errant: Deluge 5

Knight Errant: Deluge 5, penned by John Jackson Miller, represents the concluding chapter, issue number five, of the Deluge story arc within the Star Wars: Knight Errant comic book saga.

Publisher's summary

Jedi Knight Kerra Holt finds herself in a perilous situation, stuck between a Sith Lord and a Hutt crime boss. She must confront both to shield the billions of inhabitants on Darkknell from being submerged by a fleet equipped with planet-flooding capabilities! Her strategy involves a direct, forceful assault, but her adversaries prove to be more clever than anticipated. Could this spell the end for Kerra Holt, the solitary Jedi?

Plot summary

Following a successful demonstration on Aquilaris Minor, Zodoh, a Hutt criminal overlord, dispatches his Stormdriver fleet to devastate Darkknell, the Daimanate's primary world. Overpowering the Daimanate's weak defenses, the Stormdrivers rapidly inundated vast areas of the world, including Daiman's Sanctum Celestial fortress located in Xakrea, the capital city, causing widespread destruction. Despite the apparent hopelessness of the situation, with even his Sith kin collaborating with Zodoh, the Sith Lord Daiman staunchly refused to admit defeat, asserting that his universe "had vast resources everywhere and defenders no one would ever expect." Kerra and Jenn made their entrance into the space battle aboard their Hutt twin-seater starfighter, gaining access to the hangar bay of Zodoh's command vessel, the Voracious. While Jenn took on Zodoh's starfighter screen, Kerra managed to sneak aboard the Voracious.

Kerra successfully infiltrated the control center responsible for coordinating the Stormdrivers. Inside, she faced an attack from Zodoh himself, leading to a personal duel. In contrast to typical Hutts, Zodoh possessed physical fitness and a penchant for combat. Zodoh gained the advantage and was about to deliver a fatal blow to Kerra, but Jenn's starfighter intervened by attacking the dome, exposing the interior to the vacuum of space. After rescuing Kerra, Jenn unleashed a barrage that obliterated the Voracious, plunging the Stormdrivers into disarray and swinging the momentum of the conflict. Zodoh survived the battle but was taken into custody by Daiman, who executed him personally before his Sith relatives, who were present via hologram. In the meantime, Kerra and Jenn made their escape back to Aquilaris.

By this time, the floodwaters were receding, and the planet was drying out. Kerra also achieved reconciliation with both Joad Kreel, her childhood companion, and Captain Jenn Devaad. Under the guidance of Padgett and Joad of the Seacroppers, Aquilaris Minor, with its extensive underwater farming facilities, would serve as a sanctuary for refugees fleeing Sith Space to the safety of the Galactic Republic. Jenn also devised a scheme to undermine Operation Deluge by falsely claiming to have secured a contract for distributing Deluge on Aquilaris. Her plan involved jettisoning the Deluge spice into hyperspace and then utilizing the same transport to smuggle refugees into the Republic. As a token of their renewed friendship, Jenn gifted Kerra her own Fire Lotus-class starfighter, preventing her from having to rely on hitching rides across Sith Space. The two women then parted ways, with Jenn heading back to the Republic, and Kerra continuing her knight errant duties within Sith territory.

