Knight Errant: Escape 1

Star Wars: Knight Errant: Escape #1 marks the inaugural issue of the Escape story arc, a miniseries within the broader Star Wars: Knight Errant comic book saga penned by John Jackson Miller.

Publisher's summary

Jedi Knight Kerra Holt embarks on a new mission, beginning with a deeply personal and highly confidential investigation! However, surrounded by the grim realities of Sith territory, an unforeseen influence may be seizing control of the solitary Jedi! As Kerra takes her initial step towards her objective, she understands that there will be no turning back!

Plot summary

Subsequent to the Aquilaris campaign and the Battle of Darkknell, Kerra Holt, a Jedi Knight, made contact with Daiman, a Sith Lord. Previously, she had rescued the planet Darkknell from Zodoh, a Hutt crime boss. In exchange for her assistance, Daiman consented to aid her in infiltrating the Odionate, a region within the Grumani sector governed by his estranged elder sibling, Lord Odion. Kerra's aim was to eliminate Lord Odion, and she also sought to uncover the destiny of her missing parents, Aron and Mercia Holt, following their separation during the invasion of Aquilaris Minor in 1042 BBY. Disguised as a slave laborer attempting to flee Daiman's war forges on Tergamenion, adopting the alias "Mercy," Kerra successfully established contact with Wayman, a Claimer and Odionate recruiter. He furnished her with a signalling device, instructing her to activate it upon her arrival in the Odionate. Despite their status as adversaries, Daiman was inclined to assist the Jedi due to his longstanding sibling rivalry and his premonition of a significant tribulation originating from Odion's territory.

Subsequently, Kerra infiltrated the Odionate and became a member of the Novitiates, Odion's distinguished corps of Dark Side Adepts. Kerra was among a detachment of Novitiates deployed during an invasion of Skarpos, a planet within the Menagerie, Lord Malakite's realm. During the conflict, Odion's forces suffered considerable losses as a result of General Beld Yulan's suicide charge tactics. Mercy incurred Yulan's displeasure when she attempted to prevent Yulan's forces from charging into burning tar pits filled with starfighter fuel. Mercy's instinct for self-preservation clashed with Odion's nihilistic philosophy of embracing death through combat. Following the battle, Wayman reassigned Mercy's forces, directing them to reconvene with Odion for a debriefing at Jubalene, Odion's recently acquired capital in the former Bactranate.

While on Jubalene, Mercy and other Novitiates were witness to the violent deaths of three Jubalene Duros bankers who had been deceived into fighting an enraged rancor in an arena. Odion, due to his hypersensitive Force abilities, could not endure the vibrant energy produced by life through the Force, and thus sought to extinguish it. Consequently, the demise of another living being provided him with relief from this irritation. During the briefing, Odion detailed his ambition to acquire the Helm of Ieldis, an ancient Sith artifact crafted before the Great Hyperspace War with the capacity to drive sentient beings into a homicidal rage. Years prior, Odion had initiated a mission known as Project Pandemonium to locate the Helm, but it had stalled at Sarrassia, then under the dominion of rival Sith Lord Ayanos Bactra.

Following the fall of the Bactranate, Odion was now able to resume his pursuit. He tasked Mercy and her team of Novitiates with continuing Project Pandemonium. General Yulan prepared his fleet for an invasion of Sarrassia. As Odion and the other Novitiates departed to observe further entertainment at the Sith arena, Kerra seized the opportunity to access information regarding her parents within the data center in the chamber. She discovered that they had been conscripted into Project Pandemonium in the wake of the Aquilaris invasion.

