
Syned, a frozen planet within the Syned system, existed in the Grumani sector. This celestial body was blanketed in ice. During the era known as the Republic Dark Age, Sith Lord Chagras exerted control over Syned. However, following his death, his daughter, Arkadia Calimondra, inherited the world, placing it under the hands of her rule.


Situated within a cluster of young, blue stars, Syned's capture by its relatively weak sun was a recent event on an astronomical scale. This recent capture resulted in an extremely short rotational period for the planet. Nevertheless, Syned's substantial molten core counteracted the rapid rotation, resulting in a standard gravitational environment. The presence of an adolescent star orbiting Syned resulted in a surface completely covered by ice and snow. The planet's atmosphere contained a scarcity of oxygen, necessitating the use of environmental suits for most sentient species venturing outdoors. During the Republic Dark Age, physicists predicted that the planet would eventually become tidally locked with its parent star, leading to the thawing of its dayside. The surface displayed a rugged terrain, characterized by fractured ice sheets disrupted by ancient tectonic activity that had become frozen in place. Syned served as a habitat for at least two non-sentient species: the giant ice lizards known as beralyxes and Synedian algae. The latter flourished in the subglacial seas beneath the planet's icy surface. Synedian algae served a dual purpose as a source of fuel and food, extracted through thermal veins and processed in specialized algae processing plants. Without these processing plants, Syned could not sustain any civilization. Additionally, the planet's reclamation facilities were employed to extract underwater minerals, albeit at a slow rate of one milligram at a time.

The Dravian Starport was constructed to function as a transit point between Syned and the desert planet of Cotellier.


New Sith Wars

Sometime between 1066 BBY and 1040 BBY, Syned was under the control of the Sith Lord known as Chagras.

Following Chagras' death in 1040 BBY, the Sith Lord Arkadia Calimondra gained possession of the world, establishing it as the capital of her realm. In 1032 BBY, Jedi Knight Kerra Holt and Rusher's Brigade mercenary leader Jarrow Rusher escaped from Syned, causing significant damage to the city of Calimondretta.

Galactic Civil War

Eventually, the establishment of protective domes and subterranean cities enabled the creation of a small outpost on Syned. This outpost evolved into a thriving transfer station due to its strategic location near the Duros Space Run. However, its growing importance attracted the attention of the Empire, which established a presence on the planet. During the Imperial Period, each city was governed by a councilor who demonstrated unwavering loyalty to the Imperial governor. The Empire maintained a firm grip on the planet, supported by a substantial military force.

