
The Sluissi constituted the original [sentient](link url) [life-form](link url) inhabiting the [world](link url) of [Sluis Van](link url), which was situated within the [Outer Rim Territories](link url). Their physical form presented a blend of [humanoid](link url) features above the waist, coupled with a serpentine lower body that was elongated and powerfully built. Known for their tranquil disposition, the Sluissi displayed an aversion to haste and impatience, an unwavering adherence to protocol (regardless of its significance), and a natural talent for technical matters. In a manner akin to numerous reptilian species, Sluissi possessed the ability to detect heat through the use of their bifurcated tongues.

The Sluissi, celebrated for their proficiency in the repair and upkeep of starships, actively participated in [galactic](link url) society almost since the inception of the [Republic](link url). This involvement stemmed from the fact that Sluissi technological capabilities were nearly on par with those of other spacefaring civilizations, including the [Duros](link url) and [Humans](link url).

Biology and appearance

The upper portions of Sluissi bodies bore a resemblance to human anatomy, featuring two arms, each terminating in four-fingered hands. One digit on each hand was opposable. Their arms were equipped with skin extensions, somewhat akin to wings, which facilitated movement while they were on the ground. The lower portion of their anatomy was reminiscent of a snake, characterized by a lengthy, muscular tail. Their bodies were clad in delicate scales, exhibiting a color range from light brown to dark green. While scales of other hues were not entirely unknown among the Sluissi, they were considered uncommon. Sluissi possessed circular black eyes and a distinctive, hood-like fold of resilient skin located at the rear of their heads. Their forked tongues enhanced their olfactory senses. On average, members of this species weighed 60 [kilograms](link url).

Society and culture

A Sluissi

The Sluissi were recognized as patient, sociable, relaxed, and amiable beings, particularly noted for their capacity to maintain composure even under duress. Their patient and serene nature, coupled with their apparent inability to experience genuine agitation or anger, often perplexed and occasionally even exasperated other species. Demonstrating remarkable industriousness, the Sluissi possessed a fondness for tinkering with technology and mechanical devices. Sluissi technicians were capable of enhancing engine efficiency, power output, and system responsiveness, even in antiquated and dilapidated vessels.

The Sluissi adhered to a meticulous methodology and worked at a deliberate pace. They regarded starship construction as an artistic pursuit. Although projects undertaken by the Sluissi invariably required more time than anticipated, most clients were willing to exercise patience, as Sluissi technicians possessed the unique ability to improve or salvage vessels that other mechanics could not. Even the [Empire](link url) acknowledged the imprudence of rushing a Sluissi operation.

In addition to [Sluissese](link url), their native tongue, the Sluissi communicated in [Basic](link url), albeit with a tendency to slur and lisp words due to the serpentine structure of their tongues and mouths.

Common Sluissi names encompassed Sirlahn Alsek, Vsil Ejahsa, Usahn L'sehl, Sekae N'sehnor, and Mektiss Risohr.


The Sluissi became affiliated with the [Old Republic](link url) during its formative years. Upon the initial discovery of [Sluis Van](link url) by [Duros](link url) and [Human](link url) explorers, the Sluissi had only recently embarked on the exploration of neighboring systems utilizing their own [lightspeed](link url) technology, and they enthusiastically embraced the notion of a broader galactic alliance. As an advanced civilization, they established numerous prominent space yards throughout the [Sluis sector](link url), including the technologically advanced [Sluis Van space facility](link url), as well as on other colonies they had established to foster increased interaction with off-world spacefarers. They operated efficient facilities where ship crews could access all the necessary services, expertise, and upgrades following extended voyages. The Sluissi rapidly gained recognition as one of the most proficient starship maintenance species in the known galaxy.

A Sluissi

In the period leading up to the [Clone Wars](link url), they grew disenchanted with the Republic and were among the initial entities to secede and align themselves with the [Separatist](link url) cause. Nevertheless, certain Sluissi maintained allegiance to the Republic.

Following the Clone Wars, the Sluissi were subjected to Imperial occupation. With the cessation of this occupation, they emerged as valuable contributors to the [New Republic](link url). In [9 ABY](link url), the [Imperial Navy](link url) launched an assault on three [planets](link url) within the [Sluis sector](link url) in an attempt to seize warships from the Sluissi shipyards. The ensuing [Battle of Sluis Van](link url) nearly resulted in an Imperial victory. However, the presence of the [Millennium Falcon](link url), piloted by [Han Solo](link url), provided assistance to both the New Republic military and the Sluissi populace. During the New Republic era, Mammon Hoole included an entry on the Sluissi in his publication, The Essential Guide to Alien Species.

Sluissi in the galaxy

Sluissi who ventured off-world typically found employment as tech specialists, engineers, or mechanics, although it was not uncommon for a Sluissi to pursue alternative occupations. At least one Sluissi possessed [Force-sensitivity](link url) and served as a [Jedi](link url) during the [Mandalorian Wars](link url). This particular individual belonged to [Lucien Draay](link url)'s [Covenant Shadows](link url), a clandestine group of Jedi whose records had been expunged to facilitate their covert operations.

[Ten Dorne](link url) was a Sluissi who collaborated with [Admiral](link url) [Gial Ackbar](link url) on the [Shantipole Project](link url). This project centered on the development of the [B-wing starfighter](link url). Shortly before the [Battle of Endor](link url), Dorne was captured by Imperial forces. This experience caused her to question her dedication to the Rebel cause, leading her to defect and subsequently divulge information about the Alliance to the Empire. She was later believed to be employed at the [Imperial Remnant](link url) shipyards on [Vosteltig](link url).

[Sere Lure](link url), a green-skinned female Sluissi engineer, was employed by [Hydrospeare Corporation](link url). Dr. Lure was an anomaly; she was one of the few aliens authorized and willing to contribute to the development of Imperial technology.

[Candobar Inglet](link url) held the position of [ruler](link url) of Sluis Van and the Sluis sector during the Clone Wars and for several years preceding them. Shortly before the onset of the war, he and his sector seceded to the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

Other notable Sluissi included [Hass Sonax](link url), a female Sluissi slicer; [Corlissi Ludar](link url), the Sluissi senator who pledged Sluis Van's allegiance to the CIS; [Slith Skael](link url), the chief communications technician of the Intergalactic Communications Center near the conclusion of the Clone Wars; and [Secles Uslopos](link url), a male Sluissi councilor to the [Twi'lek](link url) crime lord [Abdi-Badawzi](link url) on the planet [Socorro](link url).

[Alessi Quon](link url) was a male Sluissi scientist employed by the [Experi-Tech](link url) department of [Imperial Intelligence](link url) shortly before the [Battle of Yavin](link url).

Behind the scenes

"[« Statue » quo à Sluis Van](link url)," featured in the French roleplaying-game magazine [Casus Belli](link url), offers supplementary information regarding the Sluissi. According to this article, the Sluissi were a species characterized by calm methodicalness, compensating for their physical limitations with technological expertise and ingenuity. In contrast to references to a [Khedive](link url) in Clone Wars materials, this source indicates that an elected parliament of one hundred members, known as the Council, governed Sluis Van. Throughout the [New Order](link url), their political consensus was that loyalty to the Empire had brought their world prosperity.

According to this material, the Sluissi joined the [New Republic](link url) around [6 ABY](link url) as a result of a diplomatic mission spearheaded by [Jonas Stern](link url) and [Borsk Fey'lya](link url).

The novel Jedi Trial inaccurately portrays the Sluissi, Sluis Van, and the Sluis sector as aligned with the Republic rather than the Confederacy.

