Dravian Starport

Dravian Station, alternatively referred to as Dravian Starport, was a space station that could be found in the space between the planets Syned and Cotellier. Because it was situated far away from any populated systems, the station served as a safe place for smugglers. The kinds of individuals who often visited Dravian Starport resulted in the space station's eventual growth to include a wide array of enterprises, such as eateries, lodging, and gambling establishments. Among these were Skypath Industries and Topatz Shipping. A shipping enterprise that conducted business at the Dravian Starport was Jontz Freight. Dravian Spaceport, equipped with a typical Class 1 hyperdrive, was accessible from Dreffon IV in 16 days, from Ather in 2 days, from Bazaar in 23 days, and from Vlemoth Port in 5 days.

