
A manufacturing world called Ather existed within the Ather system. This system was situated in the Atravis sector, which itself was located in the Western Reaches of the expansive Outer Rim Territories. A starship with a Class 1 hyperdrive could travel from Dravian Starport in the Tamarin sector to Ather in a matter of two days.

In the time of the Galactic Civil War, Nar Shaddaa Shipping, a shipping company operating from Dravian Starport, presented free-traders with an opportunity: transporting fifty tons of datapad circuit boards to Ather in exchange for 3,500 credits.

Behind the scenes

The planet Ather received a mention in "Tales of the Smoking Blaster," an adventure module for a roleplaying game authored by Bill Smith. This adventure was featured in the Star Wars Gamemaster Handbook, a 1993 reference manual released by West End Games for the Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. Ather's location, along with its system, was pinpointed in grid square L-20 by the 2009 reference book, The Essential Atlas.

