
Byllura, a planet covered in forests, existed in the Outer Rim area of the galaxy, specifically within the Grumani sector. It is classified as a world according to records.


Byllura's primary landmass featured rivers that descended from a high plateau, ultimately emptying into the ocean and forming various waterfalls. To create a system of terraces, engineers working for the Galactic Republic modified a significant river delta. Upon these terraces, the city of Hestobyll was built, which served as Byllura's capital.


During the period known as the New Sith Wars, Byllura was under the control of the Chagras Hegemony. After the death of Chagras, the leader of the Hegemony, Byllura became the capital of the Dyarchy. It was then ruled by the Sith Lord twins, Dromika and Quillan. Their rule came to an end in 1032 BBY when the Arkadianate's military forces successfully conquered Byllura.

Subsequently, during the Clone Wars, the planet was situated within territory controlled by the Separatist faction.

