Noa Briqualon is shown wearing spectacles
Eyeglasses, also known as spectacles or simply glasses, represented a more basic method for enhancing eyesight. They consisted of a pair of small discs fashioned from lenses that corrected vision and were positioned in front of the eyes.

Because advanced surgical procedures and cybernetic enhancements offered superior efficacy, spectacles were not commonly used. However, a few individuals did employ them. Noa Briqualon, marooned on Endor for many years, made use of spectacles. Similarly, Saun Dann and some unidentified customers in bars located on both Roon and Aduba-3 also used them. C-3PO pilfered spectacles from a patron at the Roon bar, utilizing them in an attempt to conceal his identity from Bisad Koong's subordinates. Nuvo Vindi, a scientist in service to the Separatists, also had spectacles, although his use of them was infrequent.
Vago the Hutt would sometimes utilize spectacles. Wald, an X-wing pilot, also wore spectacles. Orman Tagge, Korkeal Hai, Retter Lewis and Garindan made use of goggles. Eugene Talmont, the Prefect of Tatooine, possessed nearsightedness, but his vanity prevented him from wearing spectacles. Umwak, a Dulok shaman, fashioned specialized glasses to navigate the Arbo Maze; however, they proved useless.
Magar Jaros, a Sullustan forger, used computerized magnifocals to correct his impaired vision; these were similar to a pince-nez. Battz, a human forger, sported spectacles featuring a special magnification lens for one eye.
Darnada, a Dug Vigo of the Black Sun, was known to wear a monocle. This was a corrective lens worn over a single eye, often functioning more as a status symbol than a practical item. Gorga the Hutt wore similar spectacles during his tenure on the Hutt Ruling Council.
Captain Telettoh also wore spectacles, starting as early as 3963 BBY.