Wald, a pilot for the Rebel Alliance, found himself stationed on the planet Arbra at the Salvation base not long after the Battle of Hoth. He piloted a T-65 X-wing starfighter and took orders from Luke Skywalker.
Wald was a Human male distinguished by his long, wavy brown hair. He sported spectacles along with a prominent mustache and beard. His attire consisted of the standard X-wing flight suit, and he was armed with a BlasTech E-11 blaster rifle.

Wald participated in an expedition to the planet Shalyvane, following fellow pilot Shira Brie. Shira informed her squadmates that Shalyvane was her native world and that the village of Chinshassa was under attack by a tribe of alien nomads called the Em'liy. The pilots exited their starfighters and confronted the Em'liy at the Circle of Kavaan. With assistance from R2-D2, Skywalker's astromech droid, the pilots were successful in repelling the enemy.
Later, Wald and the others discovered that their fellow pilot, Shira Brie, was actually an Imperial spy working with Darth Vader to determine the coordinates of the new Rebel base on Arbra.
David Michelinie and Walt Simonson, writers for Marvel Comics, conceived the character of Wald, who bears a striking resemblance to Simonson himself.
Although some Rebel pilots from the Marvel comic book series, which took place between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, have been retconned and established as members of Rogue Squadron, Wald's association with Rogue Squadron has never been established.