David Michelinie

David Michelinie, born on May 6, 1948, is a comic book author hailing from America. He is particularly known for his tenure as the primary writer for the Marvel Star Wars comic book series spanning from 1981 to 1983.

Among his most celebrated contributions is his notable work on the Iron Man comic series during the early 1980s. This run is recognized for introducing the character's battle with alcohol addiction, the creation of specialized armor variations, and the development of new rivalries with characters such as Justin Hammer and Victor Von Doom. A particularly memorable moment he crafted involved Tony Stark being ejected from the S.H.I.E.L.D.'s helicarrier, forcing him to fully deploy his armor to utilize its flight capabilities before plummeting to the ground.

During the latter part of the 1980s, he also penned a well-received run on The Amazing Spider-Man, featuring artwork by Todd McFarlane. This period saw the introduction of the supervillain Venom. Notably, Michelinie holds the distinction of having the longest tenure as a writer on The Amazing Spider-Man comic, a record that remains unbroken.

Michelinie is also credited as a co-creator of various Star Wars characters, including Plif, Shira Brie, and Fenn Shysa.

Star Wars bibliography

Cover of Star Wars (1977) 51, Michelinie's first Star Wars issue



  • David Michelinie on Wikipedia
