Star Wars 60: Shira's Story marks the sixtieth installment of the Marvel Star Wars comic book series.
Piloting four TIE fighter craft, members of Rogue Squadron infiltrate the Imperial installation located on the planet Spindrift. They swoop in, commencing an attack on the command towers with blaster fire. An Imperial Major, accompanied by his subordinate, Gerdy, attempt an escape using a sub-ter rover transport vehicle. They succeed in traversing approximately half the length of a suspension bridge before one of the TIE fighters obliterates the bridge's end. Gerdy and the Major are left with no alternative but to surrender. To their astonishment, they discover that the TIE fighter pilots are, in fact, Rebel Alliance officers: Luke Skywalker, Captain Thorben, Shira Brie, Gemmer, and Wald. Following the securing of the base, Captain Thorben obtains a set of navigational coordinates indicating the route of a new Imperial armada. Rogue Squadron subsequently returns to the Rebel base situated on the planet Arbra.
Upon their return to the base, Shira Brie informs Princess Leia of her need to travel back to her home world, Shalyvane, concerning a personal matter. She requests the return coordinates from Leia, enabling her to return after addressing her affairs. Leia explains that the base's coordinates are classified as top secret and, therefore, cannot be disclosed to her. Luke offers to accompany Shira, assuming responsibility for her safe return. Thorben and Wald also volunteer to join them.
Upon their arrival on Shalyvane, Shira proceeds to the Circle of Kavaan within the capital city of Chinshassa. Shira recounts a narrative detailing the annihilation of her people by the savage Em'liy tribes during her childhood. Following the conclusion of her sorrowful tale, a multitude of Em'liy warriors materialize on the horizon. The Rebels engage in intense combat, devastating the religious stones surrounding the Circle of Kavaan. The Em'liy suppress Luke and the others with heavy blaster fire, but Shira manages to maneuver around the battle zone and board her TIE fighter. Piloting the fighter, she circles back and eliminates the Em'liy warriors. Once the conflict subsides, everyone returns to their fighters and sets course back towards Arbra. Shira refrains from divulging the true purpose of her visit to Shalyvane.