Star Wars 59: Bazarre constitutes the fifty-ninth installment in the Marvel's Star Wars comic book saga.
At the massive trading hub called Bazarre, Lando Calrissian and Luke Skywalker encounter Orion Ferret, a dubious administrator. Despite Lando's past experiences causing him to distrust Ferret, they require his connections to finalize the purchase of four black-market Imperial TIE fighters. After being compensated, Ferret provides Luke and Lando with a small spacecraft programmed to navigate to Patch-4, a planet used as a junkyard where the TIE fighters are hidden. Luke and Lando leave Chewbacca behind on Bazarre as they journey to the garbage planet.
With Luke and Lando away from the station, Orion schemes to undermine the Rebels' operation. Ferret believes that eliminating Luke and Lando will allow him to keep both his money, the ships, and also seize the Millennium Falcon. Aware that Chewbacca would retaliate if he discovered the betrayal, he traps the Wookiee inside a gelatinous spritzer containment. Chewbacca manages to break free and pursues Orion throughout the station. Orion attempts to escape using his personal shuttle, but Chewbacca disables it with precise shots from his bowcaster.
Aboard Patch-4, Luke and Lando begin to search through the debris and eventually discover the partially buried TIE fighters. Suddenly, a colossal worm-like creature known as a Watchbeast emerges from the ground and attacks them. Luke and Lando seek refuge in a cave that leads to an underground network of tunnels. There, they encounter Serja Kesselrook, a wandering nomad. Serja welcomes them and introduces them to a colony of outcasts who have remarkably adapted to life on Patch-4. Serja informs the Rebels that the Watchbeast, named Ceasar, is controlled by Orion Ferret. Ferret uses a sonic pacifier located on the shuttle-craft to control the beast.
Luke and Lando resurface. Lando creates a diversion for the Watchbeast with blaster fire, allowing Luke to stealthily return to the shuttle. Luke retrieves and activates the pacifier, causing the Watchbeast to fall asleep. With no further obstacles, they retrieve Chewbacca and transport the four TIE fighters back to the Rebel base on Arbra.
The events depicted in this narrative unfold simultaneously with the events of Star Wars (1977) 58.
Leia Organa and Shira Brie make only brief, uncredited appearances at the conclusion of this issue.
During a conversation about the Watchbeast, Ceasar, Luke utters the phrase: "We didn't come to feed Ceasar…we came to bury him." This echoes the line "I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him" from William Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar. This is one of many references to the real world found within the Marvel Comics Star Wars series.