
Ceasar, a watchbeast of the male persuasion, served as a pet to Orion Ferret. Ferret held the position of administrator at the space station known as Bazarre. This creature was stationed on the junk planet of Patch-4, with the responsibility of safeguarding Ferret's stored possessions. A sonic pacifier was used to maintain control over the watchbeast, though Ferret permitted it to roam freely in his absence. Ceasar's uncontrolled behavior was a significant source of hardship for the refugees residing on Patch-4, who were a group of displaced individuals fleeing the expanding Galactic Empire.

During the year 3 ABY, Ceasar was unknowingly assigned the task of killing Luke Skywalker and Lando Calrissian, who were envoys from the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Despite his repeated attempts to eliminate the two newcomers to Patch-4, Ceasar's efforts were consistently foiled by the Rebels, who allied themselves with the refugees. Subsequently, the Rebels provided the refugees with Ferret's sonic pacifier, granting them the means to control the watchbeast from that point forward.


Ferret's pet

Ceasar within the garbage piles of Patch-4

Orion Ferret, the administrator overseeing the black market space station known as Bazarre, possessed a male watchbeast named Ceasar. Ferret employed a sonic pacifier to regulate Ceasar's behavior; its activation induced a state of docility and obedience in the creature. To protect his stored goods, Ferret placed Ceasar on the junk planet of Patch-4, which served as his personal storage facility. A community of displaced refugees, escaping the expansion of the Galactic Empire's reach, already inhabited the planet. However, Ceasar's aggressive presence, coupled with his unrestricted movement, forced them into hiding underground. Ferret would occasionally arrive in his personal shuttle to administer the sonic pacifier to Ceasar. During his time on Patch-4, Ceasar typically concealed himself beneath large accumulations of discarded materials.

In the year 3 ABY, Luke Skywalker and Lando Calrissian, representing the Alliance to Restore the Republic, journeyed to Patch-4 aboard Ferret's shuttle. Their mission was to retrieve four makeshift TIE fighters that the Bazarre administrator had stored there. Ferret, intending to betray the two Rebels, anticipated that Ceasar, whose existence was unknown to them, would eliminate the visitors. This would allow Ferret to retain both their payment for the starfighters and the fighters themselves. As they approached the fighters, they attracted Ceasar's attention, leading the watchbeast to emerge from beneath a pile of junk and launch an attack.

Skirmish on Patch-4

Ceasar slams into the fuselage.

The Rebels discharged their blasters at Ceasar, but the firearms proved ineffective against the watchbeast's thick hide. Ceasar retaliated by lunging at Calrissian, seizing and lifting him with his front pincers. Skywalker then attacked Ceasar's vulnerable underbelly with his lightsaber. The resulting injury forced Ceasar to release Calrissian, providing the two Rebels with a window of time to attempt an escape. However, their path was blocked by a large section of fuselage. With the two Humans cornered, Ceasar charged, but at the last second, they evaded him by fleeing into the fuselage, which served as a refuge for the homeless refugees. Unable to halt his momentum, Ceasar collided with the fuselage.

Undeterred, the watchbeast waited outside, anticipating their reemergence. Meanwhile, Calrissian, Skywalker, and the refugees retreated through a rear exit and opened fire on a precarious pile of junk positioned above Ceasar. This action triggered a landslide, burying the watchbeast under a mass of debris. However, Ceasar remained unharmed and resumed his attack. Calrissian successfully diverted Ceasar's attention by firing at its head, prompting the creature to repeatedly lunge at him.

Ceasar bears down on Lando Calrissian.

Despite Calrissian's evasive maneuvers, Ceasar persisted in his attacks, relentlessly digging through the junk piles. Just as Ceasar was about to eliminate Calrissian, Skywalker managed to reach the sonic pacifier within Ferret's shuttle. Upon activation, Ceasar collapsed, unable to continue his assault. The Rebels then successfully retrieved the fighters and departed peacefully, but not before entrusting the sonic pacifier to the refugees. With the device in their possession, the refugees gained control over Ceasar, rendering the planet effectively useless to the Bazarre administrator.

Personality and traits

Ceasar was a massive, pink–skinned, worm–like creature that inhabited the trash heaps of Patch-4. It was known for its relentless attacks on any living being unfortunate enough to cross its path. Ceasar's attacks were particularly savage, and it seemed largely impervious to blaster fire. However, the sonic pacifier proved to be an effective means of calming the beast.

Behind the scenes

Ceasar made his debut in the fifty-ninth edition of Marvel Comics' Star Wars comic series, which was released on February 16, 1982. The story was penned by David Michelinie and Walt Simonson, with Simonson also providing the illustrations. Within the narrative, Ceasar, alongside his master Orion Ferret, functions as one of the main adversaries. Ceasar's name, a clear allusion to Julius Caesar, invites comparisons to William Shakespeare's play of the same name. For example, the line "I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him" was adapted to "We didn't come to feed Ceasar. We came to bury him!"

