Star Wars (1977) 56

title: Star Wars 56: Coffin in the Clouds

Star Wars 56: Coffin in the Clouds marks the fifty-sixth installment in the Marvel Star Wars comic book saga. Notably, this particular issue served as the introductory tale for the character Shira Brie, who would later be known as Lumiya.

Narrative Summary

Lando Calrissian makes his way back to Cloud City, only to discover that it seems to be completely deserted. He soon comes across Imperial bombtroopers who have arrived to defuse a series of explosive devices left behind by disgruntled Ugnaught laborers. The Imperials attempt to disarm the first bomb they encounter, a talking bomb, and the bomb seems to be cooperating, but instead deceives them into activating the detonation mechanism instead of deactivating it. The explosive detonates, leaving only Captain Hugo Treece, the acting governor of Cloud City, as the sole Imperial survivor. Calrissian and Treece form a temporary alliance to recover Lobot, who was severely injured by the Ugnaughts, and task him with deactivating the remaining bombs on Cloud City before the entire city is destroyed. Their scheme is successful, but once the final bomb is disarmed, Treece betrays Lando and pushes him over the edge of Cloud City, causing him to plummet towards the planet Bespin below.

Canon Implications

Within this narrative, Bespin is depicted with a habitable surface: the inhabitants of Cloud City had been evacuated to it, and it serves as the native world of the Ugnaughts. However, prior and subsequent materials indicate that Bespin is a gas giant.

At one point, Lando asserts that cyborgs possess the capability to telekinetically manipulate electronic circuits, and Lobot demonstrates such an ability to disable the bombs. No other source attributes such a power to cyborgs, and it contradicts the established understanding of what a cyborg is.

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