Star Wars (1977) 57

Star Wars 57: Hello, Bespin, Good-bye! represents the fifty-seventh installment within the Marvel Star Wars comic book saga.

Story Synopsis

Captain Hugo Treece, the Imperial administrator governing Cloud City, forcibly ejects Lando Calrissian from the edge of the city's rotunda. Consequently, Lando plummets through the tibanna gas-filled atmosphere, facing certain death. Lobot, his former assistant, equips a life-jet and leaps from Cloud City's edge to rescue his comrade. Successfully reaching Lando, he safely guides him down to the artificial marsh island known as Ugnorgrad, the home of the Ugnaughts.

A news team of Ugnaughts, helmed by Ars Fivvle alongside his cameraman, Pordimer, diligently records Lando's entire descent. This event is broadcast as part of their news program, Action Tidings.

Swiftly thereafter, stormtroopers representing the Empire launch a raid on the Action Tidings Floatboat caravan. The Ugnaughts frantically scramble across the boat, endeavoring to gather as many weapons as possible. Lando repurposes the belt drive from one of the caravan ships as a makeshift sling, launching a reel of camera film into the Imperial skimmer's fan, resulting in its explosion.

Aboard Cloud City, Luke Skywalker, R2-D2, and Shira Brie pilot their X-wing fighters to a landing on one of the platforms. They observe that the city appears entirely abandoned. Luke instructs R2 to interface with the central computer to ascertain the cause of the evacuation. They uncover evidence of an Ugnaught rebellion within the mining facilities, where bombs have been strategically placed throughout the city. As of yet, none of these bombs have been triggered, thanks to Lobot's intervention. Captain Treece detects the new arrivals and commands a squad of stormtroopers to engage Luke with gunfire.

In a parallel narrative, Ars Fivvle escorts Lando to meet the Ugnaught leader, King Ozz. Ozz reveals to Lando that Captain Treece has transformed Cloud City into an Ugnaught slave labor camp, prompting the disgruntled workers to plant the bombs and abandon the mining facility. Disgusted by this revelation, Lando pledges his assistance to King Ozz in overthrowing Captain Treece.

Imperial troop transports touch down on Cloud City, and the contingent of stormtroopers onboard initiates an assault on Luke and Shira. Lando, Lobot, and the Ugnaughts subsequently arrive, joining the fray. Captain Treece fires upon Lobot, but the shot is merely a graze, causing no significant harm to the cyborg.

Luke employs the Force to activate the primer switches on all the bombs scattered throughout the city. This spectacle creates the illusion that he has actually detonated the bombs themselves. The deception proves effective, leading Captain Treece and the stormtroopers to withdraw from Cloud City.

Following the Rebel's confirmation that Cloud City is free from Imperial influence, Lando directs Lobot to infiltrate Treece's illicit bank account on Aargau. He then transmits a record of the stolen funds from Treece's account to the private account belonging to Darth Vader.

Storyline Context

Captain Treece contemplates that a significant accomplishment that greatly pleases Darth Vader would guarantee him a position within the Imperial Senate. However, the Senate was dissolved more than three years prior, as indicated in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope.

Visual Media

Cover images

