
Pordimer, frequently called Pordy, was a slender, brown-haired Ugnaught residing in the fabricated city of Ugnorgrad, situated one kilometer beneath Cloud City on the planet of Bespin. Pordimer's occupation was that of a cameraman, working under Ars Fivvle for the news program Action Tidings. Three years following the Battle of Yavin, Pordy was on the scene when Lando Calrissian, the one-time Administrator of Cloud City, came back to Bespin with the goal of disrupting the Imperial forces there. Pordimer, along with his Action Tidings colleagues, journeyed to Cloud City, where they observed Rebel operatives Luke Skywalker, Shira Brie, Calrissian, and Lobot wrest control of the city from Imperial Captain Hugo Treece.

